I'm a little behind on comments and it's nearing 3AM here, but I do appreciate them, especially the ones on my last entry. Thank you very much. <333
I thought that you guys [who are on Formspring, and if you aren't you should
take a peek on asking your favorite shinobi a question] would like to see this list, and to save me from having to press the back-log button thing, here's a ginormous list of all the names that the wonderful socially-challenged shinobi has thought of for those who asked for a name (and at one point whoever dared him to make a list of all those names - it's a lot of people)!
Naruto = Dickless
Sakura = [Hag]/Old Woman/something-to-do-with-old-age-and-being-ugly
Hinata = Boobies
Lee = Blue Balls
Shino = Weedle
Kiba = Koro
Shikamaru = Handsome
Karin = Pretty Eyes
Itachi = Kākā
Kisame = Nessie
Konan = Flower-chan
Nagato = Porcupine-kun
Yahiko = Kimi-kun
Hidan = Satan
Kakuzu = Floozy
Deidara = Lolita
Sasori = Mokku
Orochimaru = Paedobear
Zetsu = Chompy
Madara = Two-Face Baku
Anko = Dickful
Genma = Oral-kun
Iruka = Scarface
Koetsu and Izumo = Bride and Groom
Kurenai = Beerbutt / Beerbooty
Sasuke = Sweet Cheeks
Kakashi = Remon-sempai
Juugo = Hulk
Ino = Beautiful
Tenten = Brown Balls
Chouji = Fatso
Gaara = My Panda Bear
Neji = White Balls
Kushina = Motor Mouth
Tsunade = Tatas
Gai = Big Balls
Yamato = Gaia-chan
Shiho = Precious
Yachiru = Candy-chan
KnightBlue = Doll-chan
VodkaGirlLives/Nora = Skank
35629 = Chibi
Animeking1108 = Ameko
TiiaYumi = Ahon-chan
StrangeSydney = Unibrow-chan
KiyomiRyo = Yuki
xflorachanx = Koala-kun
iUchihaMadana = Pinky
Sayurithelily = Shrimp
Kishimoto = Hiroto-san
anonymous people in general = Anon[ymous]-san / Anon-chan / Anon-kun / Asshole