ooc: Toukousphere topics. LET'S LEARN ABOUT LYNER! Part 1

Nov 02, 2010 16:59

First thing to mention about this post. This entire post is little tidbits and situations taken from a 4th wall like environment made for Q&A for Ar Tonelico fans by GUST. What I'm posting here is anything involving Lyner's character or a situation were to happen and how he'd deal with it... or something. Basically it's a fanboy post for Lyner with my own comments on each one. :V Now then!


It seems like Lyner could use that powered armor he wears as a weapon, right? How powerful would it be?

…あー、嘘だと思ってるでしょ。あたし知ってるんだからね。初期企画の時に、ホントにそういう話がされていたんだから!開発の誰かが「左腕はロケットパン チで飛んでいったら回収してくっつける」って言ってたもん。それも仕様書に記述されて採用目前までいったのだって見てるもん!…その後他のスタッフに全力 で阻止されたけど。

Ah! Yeah, doesn't it? I was really wondering about that myself, too! But, lately it all became clear: that half-arm shield of his is actually a rocket punch!
Just when I noticed Lyner turning to the enemy and making a fist, it flew off and hit them in a shower of flames! Really! Really!!
... oh, I bet you think I'm lying. But, I know the truth. People were talking about doing that back in the early design phase! One of the developers was saying, "His left arm will be a rocket punch that can re-attach." It's even written right here in the game specs! ... the rest of the staff put the kibosh on it right away after that, though.


Now if only we can ask why Lyner has a freaking knife over his shoulder but he never used it...


男で「絶対領域」の所持者として何かと話題(ネタ)にされるライナー。 レーヴァテイルのコスチュームに絶対領域が無かったから、自分が着ることによってカバーしようとしたのかな? 優しいね、ライナー。 これからも「女よりも女らしく」をモットーに頑張ってね♪ (匿名)

It looks like Lyner's quite the rage as a rare male wearer of an outfit with "zettai ryouiki".
Are you just doing your part to cover for the fact that none of the Reyvateil costumes had zettai ryouiki?
You're such a nice guy, Lyner.
I hope you'll continue working under the motto "Girlier than the ladies"♪


Hey, it's my first question! Awright!
A nice guy ... ? I dunno, I've always worn stuff like this, so it's no big deal.
It's just really comfortable, you know? It's not too stuffy if you get all sweaty in battle, and it's easy to move around in.
I bet you'd all agreed if you tried it out once, too.
The next time you come to Platina, try on some of my old clothes!
By the way, what's this "zettai ryouiki"?


Someone once told me that Lyner wears stripper pants. :|a



Question for Jack!!
Your arm's basically machine gun (gun), now, isn't it ... ? So how do you replace the bullets? Or are they just unlimited?
By the way, when you change out weapons, I guess that means you'd have to change out your arm ...


あと、腕のジョイントは拡張性が高いらしい。天覇のTFマウントという規格準拠らしく、それに合う武器に交換できるようになっている。ライナーはTFマウント規格の銃を創ってくれていたって訳だな。 まあ、銃の交換自体はだいたいライナーかクルシェがいるときにやるな。一人でも出来るんだが、やっぱ重いし怖いからな。

Man, this question was real popular for some reason. You all really that interested in my guns?
Alright, I'll answer for you. This gun's a cartridge type, so when I need to reload, I just have to pop out the cartridge from my arm. I buy bullets whenever I go to town, same as anyone. I don't need Lyner to buy 'em or anything.
Now, it looks like it's also real easy to change up the joints on my arms. I guess it's based on the standard Tenba TF mount, so I can switch out for anything that's the same type. Lyner makes guns that use the TF mount standard.
Well, anyway, Lyner or Krusche usually switches it out for me. I can do it own my own, but it's kinda scary to do 'cause it's so heavy.


And I was so sure that Lyner was so awesome he can make guns with infinite ammo. THANKS FOR RUINING THAT THOUGHT, JACK.


ア ルトネ2に男性型RTを出そう運動推進委員(仮)のふ〜るですwww突然変異とかで出してもいいんだけど・・・やっぱり、人為的に作られて逃げ出したとかの展開の方が燃えるからこっちでいきましょう♪(ぇ

Hello, I'm Fuuru from the Movement to Petition for a Male Reyvateil in Ar Tonelico 2 (lol) Maybe if one showed up as a mutation ... actually, it would be cooler if he was man-made and escaped from the laboratory or something, so let's go with that please♪ (Uh ...

そんなものはおらん。だがしかし日常的に存在する。なぜだか教えてやろう。レーヴァテイル質は遺伝する。それが遺伝したときに、人間の身体に元からある波 動子(※1)とくっつくことでレーヴァテイル質は開花する。この波動子のシンクロニティが男性と女性では違い、男性とは共鳴しない。すなわち、男性での発 症は皆無…という事になるな。
今の回答で頭の良い諸君は気づいたと思われるが、レーヴァテイル質を持っているか否かでいえば、男性でもレーヴァテイル質は持っている。即ちYesだ。ラ イナーにもレーヴァテイル質があることは分かっている。だがしかし、男性であるが故、そのレーヴァテイル質が波動子にシンクロし、身体を形成する一部とし て構成されるには至らない。最後に蛇足ではあるが、ソル・シエールでは顕在レーヴァテイル率は0.16ppr(person per revatail)である。これは、100人中16人がレーヴァテイル、という意味である。この数値に男女区別は無いため、この12人は全員女性となる。 言い換えれば、女性50人に16人がレーヴァテイルである、という事になる。更に、潜在レーヴァテイル率では0.54pppr(person per potential revatail)となる。これは、男性でレーヴァテイル質を持っている者や、女性でもレーヴァテイル質が発症しなかった者も含まれているからだ。

ま、結論から言えば、男であるライナーにもレーヴァテイル質が含まれていることが確認されているが、単純に発生していないだけ…ということだ。もっとも、 あいつに発生したところでろくな魔法も紡げはせんと思うが…。いや、まてよ…それだけで済めば御の字か…。オボンヌでも紡がれた日には… うーむ…侮れんな、ライナー。


A male Reyvateil ...?
That can't happen. However, they do normally exist. Allow me to explain. The Reyvateil gene is transmitted like any other gene. This gene is activated by wavelets (*1) which cause it to have an effect on the subject's body. The synchronicity of these wavelets varies between men and women - they don't resonate with men. In other words, they don't cause any effects to manifest in men.
I believe the clever readers will have realized by now, but if you put it in terms of whether they have the Reyvateil nature or not, men do carry those genes. I know even Lyner carries the Reyvateil genes. However, since he's male, those genes won't synchronise with the wavelets and have any effect on his body. I don't know how interesting this may be, but the current Reyvateil to human ratio in Sol Ciel is 0.16ppr (person per reyvateil). That means that 16 people out of every 100 is a Reyvateil. The number doesn't distinguish between men and women, so twelve of those would be women. To put it another way, 16 out of every 50 women are Reyvateils. Furthermore, the ratio for potential Reyvateils is 0.54 pppr (person per potential reyvateil). That includes the number of men with the Reyvateil gene and the number of women whose Reyvateil gene is recessive.

Well, in the end, even Lyner has the Reyvateil gene, but it simply doesn't manifest itself. I don't think he could use very strong magic even if it did, though ... Er, wait ... That would probably be for the best ... The day he managed to craft a Funbun ... Mmm ... I shouldn't underestimate Lyner.

(*1: wavelets: wave assemblies that have effects on DNA. They're said to be the basis of all life and matter.)
Warning: this material is all relevant only to the game Ar Tonelico. The explanations of genetic configurations and such aren't generally factual science, and only apply to the game setting. Please keep this in mind.


You're totally the best supportive dad ever, Leard Barsett.

  も うすぐ、誕生日が来て18歳になります!! 夏休みですし自動車免許を取ることも考えています。 ソル・シエールには免許とかの資格はありますか?たとえば、飛空挺運転免許みたいなものでしょうか?
(白い猫) Soon it'll be my birthday and I'll turn 18!! It's summer vacation, and I'm thinking of getting my full driver's license. Do you need licenses for things in Sol Ciel? Like an airship pilot's license?
(White Cat)

そりゃもちろんあるよ。 だって、無かったら絶対に事故起こす人多発するのは確実だしね。 飛空挺だろうがなんだろうが、大抵の乗り物には免許が必要だけど…… ちなみに、ライナーは無免許なのに飛空挺を飛ばしたからスレイプニルに簡単に落とされたんだよ。 Of course you do. If you didn't have to have a license, lots of people would have accidents. Airships or not, you need licenses for most vehicles ... ... by the way, Sleipnir made Lyner crash so easily because he didn't have a license.

免許云々の問題じゃない気がするけどな…… I don't think that was a license-related problem ... ...


To be fair, Lyner was doing a good job until the surpraiz dragon attacked the ship.


自 分の通ってる学校は今週末から夏休みですが、その宿題に国家試験の予想問題集、丸々1冊とおまけ他が出ました…そして休みが1ヶ月ありません。そして今週 までの宿題3つほど終わってません。 彌紗に極楽金舟を歌ってもらえるとこの夏を何とか乗り切れそうな気がするのでお願いします。
(M3) My school goes on summer vacation at the end of this week, but they gave us a nice, thick book of questions that are supposed to show up on the national tests ... so I've lost a month of vacation. And I've still got three assignments left this week. I feel like I can make it through the summer somehow if Misha would sing Paradise Cinna for me, so please!

別にやらなくたって学校始まったときに一回怒られるだけですむんだから、やらない方が良いだろ? 40日間丸まる遊んで新学期に1日怒られるか、40日間ちまちまと遊んで新学期に何も無く宿題回収されるだけか。 だったら俺は前者を選ぶぜ。 俺は宿題を切り捨てる!! Don't most people just slack off on homework during summer vacation?
All that's gonna happen is your teachers will be mad at you on the first day, so just forget about it, right? Do you wanna spend 40 days having a blast and spending 1 day at school getting scolded, or spend 40 days barely having any fun to quietly hand in your homework in first period? I'd go with the first choice. Forget about your homework!!

でもどうしても不安なヤツは「問題が一問もわからなかったけど聞く相手がいなかったから出来なかった」とか言うのも手だぞ。 あとはテレビでも見ながら適当に何か文字を入れて、まさに適当に宿題を生めた状態で提出っていうのも一つの手段だ。 あとは、チラッと問題を見てそれっぽく答えを書く、っていうのは案外当たってたり三角だったりするから、なんだかんだで普通に宿題をやったと思わせること ができるぞ。
さあ、これでもう安心して40日間遊びほうけて、気分欲夏を乗り切ろうぜ!! Yeah, I agree!
If you're worried, you can always say, "I didn't understand the problems at all, and there wasn't anyone for me to ask." Or, you could just write down random stuff on the assignments while you're watching TV so you at least have something to hand in. Or, you could just glance at the questions and write something kind of close. Those are the three main ways to get out of doing your homework.
See? Now, relax and go have the kind of summer vacation you want to have!

それはともかく、宿題はきちんとやらないとダメよ。 けど休みは休みなんだから、無理はしないようにね。 All right, time for a nice, big double helping of song magic!!
Anyway, you need to finish your homework. Vacation is still vacation, though, so don't push yourself too hard.


Clearly doing homework is for chumps.


オ ボンヌって、誰が作ったんだろ??
(ルーン☆) Who came up with Funbuns, anyway??

ちなみに少し前までは100年くらい前に作られたのではないか、とされていたが、ライナーが子供の頃に、自由研究と称してオボンヌの歴史を自力で調べ、 280年前には既に存在していた、という事実を発見して一時期大騒ぎになったものだ。 しかしいつ作られたのか、誰が作ったのかは未だに謎のままだ。
……オボンヌ研究所でも設立して、ライナーにそこを任せてみれば、あるいは……。 Ah, the eternal mystery of Sol Ciel; not a scrap of documentation is left about it, and even Shurelia-sama doesn't know anything.
Actually, a little while ago, I thought maybe they'd been around for about 100 years or so, but when Lyner was younger he studied the history of Funbuns as a self-study project and discovered they were already around over 280 years ago, which caused quite a stir for a while. It's still a mystery who first made them or when, though.
... ... if we opened a Funbuns Laboratory and left it to Lyner, then maybe ...


.... /slowly clapping


オ リカとミシャに質問です。もし、サポテイルの衣装「マミー」と「メルティクス」を着 せられたら、ライナーとの会話イベントはどんな感じになるんでしょうか?
(イーヴル) I have a question for Aurica and Misha. How do you think you would feel if you wore the "Mummy" or "Meltix" Suppotail costumes during a conversation with Lyner?

う〜ん……でも、とりあえず重要な部分が見えないようなものをつけてるなら、平気だと思うよ? だって、普段から全裸で生活してるミウちゃんを見てるから、慣れてきたっていうのかな? Mmmm ... well, as long as the important parts are covered, I'd probably be fine, you know? Maybe I'm used to it since I see Miu-chan walking around naked all the time.

確かに、ゲーム中でバブルパッションやYを話題にした時の会話イベントみたいなのとは全然違ったものになるわね。 ライナーだって多分慣れてきてるだろうから、涼しそうだな、とかしか言ってこないと思うし。
……何だか、人として大切なものが崩れてきてるような気がして怖くなってきたわ。 I think it would definitely be different from the conversations about Bubble Passion and Y we had in game. Since Lyner's probably used to it too, he'd probably just say, "That looks like it's nice and cool" or something.

... ... suddenly I get the scary feeling I've lost something important as a person.


Misha does bring up a valid point though.

  ジ ャックことメカミドリに質問です。
最近アルトネを再プレイしていて思ったんですが、みんなが普通に倒しているバードユー ザーとかビーストユーザーとかって人間じゃないんですか? あんまりぼこぼこにすると捕まるような…。 それ以上にボルドを吹っ飛ばしたミシャはお咎めなしなんですか?
(あんにん♂) I have a question for Mecha Green Jack.
Lately I've been replaying AT, and there are all these bird user and beast user enemies; aren't they human? You'd probably get arrested if you beat up on them too much ... And then there's Misha, who totally blew away Bourd; didn't she get a stern talking to or anything?

だから、そういう敵には俺の愛をたっぷりと込めた攻撃で戦闘不能にしてるんだ。 ゲーム画面じゃわからないだろうが、俺はあいつらに攻撃をする時は銃の他にも、熱い眼差し、流し目、ウインク、などの向けられたやつにしかわからない行動をとって、あいつらの胸の鼓動を高めさせてすぐに戦闘不能に出来るようにしてたのさ。
女には優しくするのが男ってもんだからな。 Man, why did you ask me to answer a question like this?
Whatever, anyway, here's what I think.
Yes, the bird users and beast users are definitely humans - and, on top of that, weak girls.
Still, since they're attacking us, they'll beat us up if we don't fight back, you know?
That's why I have to attack them with my love-filled onslaught until they can't fight anymore. You can't tell from the game screens, but when I attacked that kind of enemy, not only was I using my guns, but passionate glances, flirting gazes, winks, and other things only that enemy would notice to raise their heart rates and make it so they can't fight anymore.
After all, it's a man's duty to be nice to the ladies.

……俺の後ろでそんなことしてたのかよ。 ... ... so that's what you were doing behind my back.


Sucks to be the front line guy, doesn't it Lyner? :V


も し自分に息子ができたら、どんな名前をつけますか? 女性陣に聞くとややこしそうなので男性陣お答えください。
(ラヴィエル) If you had a son, what would you name him? It'd probably be a pain to ask the ladies, so I'd like to hear what the men would do.

オボンヌ!! Funbun!!

それは問題になるからやめておけ。 That would be bad, so please don't.

ジャックJrだな。 I'd go with Jack Jr.

ジャックって偽名なのに、息子にそのままJrとかつけちゃって良いの? But Jack is a fake name. Would you be okay sticking Jr. to the end of a fake name for your son?


Way to be obsessed, Lyner.


ラ イナーに質問です。日常生活において、アヤタネはどんな風に怒るんですか?他の人に ついては、ライナーは熱血的に、ミシャさんはちょっとキツ目に、オリカさんは黒化する ・・・てな感じに怒りそうな気がするんですが、アヤタネはなかなか想像がつきません。 やっぱりどっかのマンガみたく、「口は笑ってるのに目は笑ってない」モードになるんで しょうか。教えてくださいっ!
(カイス) I have a question for Lyner. What kind of guy is Ayatane when he gets mad about everyday things? I think Lyner would probably be pretty hot-blooded, Misha-san would be strict, Aurica-san would turn dark ... but I just can't imagine Ayatane getting mad. Would he go into "My mouth is smiling but my eyes are not" mode like in a certain comic? Please tell me!

……ああ、何かエプロンつけたお母さんが小さい子供を優しく叱る、みたいな感じだな。 けど、普通に怒鳴られるよりもそっちの方が精神的にこたえるんだよな……。 Ayatane doesn't really get mad, he just scolds you.
Whenever I do something bad, he'll keep saying things like, you really shouldn't do that ...
... ... yeah, it's kind of like a mother in an apron gently scolding her little kid. Still, it's more like him than yelling at someone ...

いって相手に思わせるのが大事なんだよ。 その場限りで怒鳴るのは一番やっちゃダメだからね。
It's more important to gently tell someone what they did wrong and tell them they should never do it again than to yell at them. The last thing you should do in a situation like that is yell at someone.

……言ってることは正しいから突っ込みを入れられないわ。 ... ... well, that's true, so there's really nothing I can say to that.


.... I can only imagine what Knights training was like.

  ラ イナーは一人暮らししてたんですね!・・・しらなかった! 僕も、今年高校を卒業したら一人暮らしをしたいと思っています。一人暮らしをするにあ たって何かアドバイスをください!
(カイス) So Lyner lives alone! ... ... I didn't know that! I've been thinking I'd better move out after I graduate this year, too. Since you have some experience, please give me some advice!

近所に頼りになる友人は必要不可欠、ってことくらいかな?。 Hmm, advice, huh ...
I know, make absolutely sure you have a reliable friend that lives close by, how about that?

ライナー、自立って言葉知ってる? Lyner, do you know what "independence" means?


He doesn't get special treatment by being the son of the Governor, isn't that independence enough?


私はどうも肌に合いません。 新芽萌える、なんて言葉を人前でたまに使うと変な目で見られます。 スピカ、助けてください。
(ヤマト) Spica, what do you think of the word "moe"?
It just doesn't sit well with me. Sometimes I'll say something like "that little bud is sprouting" in front of other people, and they look at me funny. Spica, please help me.

新芽=小さい女の子的な意味で。 The word moe when used towards little girls is full of connotations like, I like you, I want to do this and that with you.
So, obviously, who would be so reckless to say something like that about that kind of person?
Well, I don't really dislike the word moe, even if that's what it means.
After all, I am the essence of moe.
Anyway, you shouldn't say things like little buds are moe, since it will make anyone who hears it feel dirty, too.
Since little bud = small little girl.

だから、どうしてそんなに萌えに対してキツいこと言うんだ? Then why did you say stuff that was so hard on the word moe?

よくわからないけど、オボンヌは萌えるぞ。 I don't get it, but Funbuns are moe.


.... /)_(\


(NAO) Happy New Yeaaa~~r!!
So, I'd like one of those, pleaaase ***g*

例のアレ……正月限定オボンヌか? Hmmm ... you mean a New Years edition Funbun?

お正月限定ゲロッゴに決まってるじゃない! Honestly, you're such a single-minded maniac ...
They obviously meant the special edition New Year Geroggo!!

……クローシェは私と一緒にみんなの突っ込みに回ってくれる側だと思ったのに。 ... ... and I thought Cloche would be able to act the straight man with me.


Keep dreaming, Misha. One day it'll come true. ;w;


(ジン) Please! I beg you!!
Please bring out Reisha-san, I mean, Reisha-oneesan, as soon as possible!!!
I want to tell Reisha-oneesan, "Thanks for all you hard work" so baaaaaaaaad!!!!

でも嬉しいわ、ありがとう。 Oh my, someone asked for me by name.
You could have said that to someone much younger than I am, you know.
Still, I'm very happy. Thank you.

お姉さんにはなんだか私と同じような感じがしましたので。 Thank you for all your hard work, Reisha-oneesan.
I've also been cheering for you from the shadows, onee-san.
After all, somehow I feel like you and I are very much alike, onee-san.

16歳のあなたとお姉さんの私、これから仲良くしましょうね。 Oh my, well, you're a cute 16 year old.
Onee-san is so happy to be cheered on by a 16 year old like you.
I hope onee-san and you, who are 16 years old, will get along well from now on.


二人とも、そのフライパンと魔法はなんですか? Probably because you both say misleading things about your age.
At this rate, the AT1 and AT2 characters are goin to get along just ...

Um, what are you two going to do with that frying pan and that song magic?


Lyner, insert foot into mouth. Right now.



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