Jun 30, 2008 09:46
Graduation is OVER.
Thats right I said over, but I actualy graduated awhile ago meaning on June 16th but I am lazy and forgot I had a live journal. haha.
Anyways, gaduation went well, everyone I wanted to come, came. Except my brother but its not his fault, he had no way of contacting us. : ( oh well... Im really glad that my dad AND my sister Eileen came. It means a lot to me.
It was an extremely very emotional ending. At my graduation I cried, but not because I was leaving SCPA a school I've been at or 7 years, but I cried cause I had only spent 4 hours with my dad and it had been 3 years since I have seen him. Crazy huh?
But 4 hours is better than none at all.
As for a job, I have one now. I guess when I yell at the universe saying I NEED A JOB NOW! I should be more specific. For now I am working at a Pizza Kitchen ( and I have celiac disease, meaning I am allergic to all glutin products i.e. FLOUR, WHEAT) one day a week, making about 60 bucks every 2 weeks and I am working for a rude, one minded owner who treats his employees horribly. First off I dont want to work for a man that gets off by intimidating me and I especially HATE working with food. I hate taking peoples orders, they always change their mind, even after they pay. But a job is a job, as much as I may hate it. Then again, I am really seriously unhappy. I am to the point where I would rather be a stripper or a prostitute then work there. Which if you know me, I am extremely self concious. So that means a lot.
And with that, it rises a new issue:
I dont want to "resign" cause its quitting and I am most definatly NOT or EVER will be a quitter. ARGH. But I cant work just one day a week, that is ridiculous. I have bills I need to pay, I cant pay for car payments, car insurance, gas, cell phone bills, and rent. yeah $120 a month isnt cutting it. That alone would just pay for my gas and Cell phone. But I cant drive if i dont have insurance or pay my car payment. My savings account is dry, I have no more funds ( except for a few I hid )..
Another issue:
If I am not happy at this job, then what job am I going to be happy at? am I just going to apply at places and once I realize I dont like it I give up? mmmm.. I think I need to think long and hard about what I would be good at or trust in my juju and if it feels wrong then listen to that... Which then that really brings up that I should give it chance cause I never know what the outcome will be.. hmmmmmm..
Wow. So I think I really am over analyzing this. hahaha.