Sep 09, 2010 02:29
So Dobby (our bunny) was diagnosed with glaucoma today. This comes after about a week's worth of eye drops and oral meds for a presumed eye infection. Unfortunately, Khiara (the cat) actually swiped Dobby's eye several years ago (for the record, sometimes he chased her) and he had developed a cataract from that. Apparently these can rupture and especially in the setting of infection, can cause glaucoma. Not sure if the infection came before or after the whole rupture thing, but either way, the poor bunny is now blind in that eye and is likely in some pain, though he's been getting pain meds along with his antibiotics. But he got new eye drops today, the goal being to decrease the pressure in his eye so it doesn't hurt, as he won't be able to get his vision back. He follows up with the vet ophthamologist late next week to see how he's doing and decide what to do next, the options being injection to stop the eye from making more fluid (less expensive, maybe 75% chance of working) or just removing the eye (surgery, involves anesthesia which can be tricky in rabbits, and of course 3-4 times more expensive).
The good part is that he actually seems to be doing fairly well otherwise, eating and drinking normally and even running around some, though not jumping about quite as much as usual. Understandable, if he now can't see on one side.