quick update

Aug 24, 2009 15:58

Blah, blah, excuses, excuses....anyway, quick little update. Classes start tomorrow, I still haven't finished my summer project (or done much for it except get IRB approval), and I'm still behind on charts. That's all old stuff, nothing new there. But just for extra fun, I managed to get viral meningitis last week. Let me tell you: wost. headache. ever. And I have migraines, so I've had some pretty bad headaches. But I'm pretty much back to normal now, so back to being stressed about all the normal stuff (see above).

We still haven't found Liam a spot at another daycare, so he's at the one that we had issues with. They've been better, but we still have to pay attention. And for extra fun on that front, he went from 50th percentile for weight at 9 months, to 25th at 12 months, to 10th at 15 months. Ugh. His height also dropped percentiles. All we've done so far is tell daycare to stop giving him water/juice and only give milk, though of course it's been breastmilk mixed w/ soy because of his dairy sensitivity. Which he might have grown out of! We gave him dairy this past weekend and he seemed to do fine w/ it, so we mixed his breastmilk w/ whole milk today and we'll see how it goes! If we can get him on whole milk, I can stop pumping, since I'm not keeping up w/ how much he drinks at daycare anyway. He's definitely not showing any interest in weaning when I'm home, though, which is perfectly fine by me.
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