The Whole "Being Sexy" Thing...

Apr 15, 2021 01:17

I occasionally hear some cisgender woman express her dismay about AMAB girls and women fervently embracing the status of being an object of desire. She might say, "Maybe it's because you haven't been exposed to it all your life like we have, but you sometimes act like none of you never heard of women's liberation and the importance of not just ( Read more... )

visual sexuality, cisgender, objectification, femininity, gender invert, sex, heterosexuality, transgender, sexual orientation

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amw April 15 2021, 06:13:10 UTC
Becoming perceived as a woman in society made me the hell more aware of the unwanted attention that women cop. And trans women too - we are fetishized in ways that cis women are not. Although we might not be everyone's cup of tea, the people whose cup of tea we are, are the scummiest of the bunch.

The way people ogle me now, i want more than ever to punch them in the face. I am far more disgusted with straight men leering at me than i ever was when gay men leered at me in my boy body, because there's an additional power imbalance. It's pretty much turned me off sex and sexuality completely, i find the whole thing repulsive nowadays. Any man who reduces me to some kind of sex object can fuck the hell right off, i have zero interest in that kind of relationship, it absolutely sickens me.

This is one of the areas where being a cis woman or a passing trans woman really does make a difference. Of course male bodies are objectified too, but it's not even close to the same level. Please don't give the impression that trans women enjoy being objectified, it really doesn't seem representative to me, especially not for trans women who have lived long enough as women to be as exhausted by it as most cis women are.


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