Unveiling: Author's Web Site (genderkitten.com)

Feb 14, 2020 13:02


"Authors", they told me, "are expected to have a web site".

"Oh, no problem, I've had my own web site since 1995", I replied.

So they go take a look at it and then they contact me, giggling. "You can't use that! That belongs in an Internet Museum or something. Seriously, you don't even have your own domain, that's just an old freebie web space you got with your internet service provider. It's all Web 1.0 right down to being in a web ring, having a visitor counter (which doesn't even work, by the way), and even advertising the fact that you made it yourself in freaking PageMill? And those colors ... excuse me, but the 90s are calling and they want their decor back!"

Hmmph. OK, I suppose they have a point there. (Besides, earthlink had given me notice that they were freezing these old "home page" web sites and would be taking them down soon). So after doing some asking around, I selected Fantastic Worlds and explained that I was an author with my debut book coming out soon, and they worked with me and accommodated my wishes and intentions for the site and built me a new one.

The work has just been completed and the site rolled out live, focusing on the book and my availability as speaker and lecturer.

** pulls back the curtain **


My book is scheduled to come out March 16 from Sunstone Press, and is now available on Amazon for pre-orders (paperback only for the moment).


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