Deja Vu All Over Again: IT'S OFFICIAL ONCE MORE - My Book's NOT Going to be Published!!

Oct 16, 2017 09:10

It's been almost exactly a year since I made the announcement that Ellora's Cave would not be publishing my book after all due to the fact that they were going out of business and cancelling all contracts.

This time around, the situation is different, although the result is approximately the same. NineStar Press, the publisher I signed with in May, stipulated from the outset that their acceptance of my book for publication was contingent on me working with them to reduce the size of Part One (which is the first third of the book).

I fully intended to honor that agreement, but once we got past the generalities and shifted to the actual editing process, I wasn't willing to make some of the cuts that the editor thought were necessary.

Yes, I've been haunted by the stereotype of the self-important newbie author who thinks every paragraph that went into the original manuscript is a golden masterpiece, that every utterance is sacred. I've tried to avoid being the kind of author that publishers and editors tell war stories about at conferences, and I hope I'm not parting company from NineStar leaving too much of a bad taste in their mouths, but, yes, I'm admittedly picky about this manuscript. I'm not seeking to get a book published. I'm seeking to get this book published.

Since we weren't able to reach a mutually satisfactory agreement about the cuts, and could not reconcile the impasse, I requested to have my rights reverted back to me. The folks at NineStar were very prompt and cooperative once I made the request, which has enabled me to resume querying immediately.

Oh well... other authors have talked about wallpapering their room with rejection letters. I guess I'll get to be one of the few who gets to wallpaper a room with acceptance letters and contracts that still didn't quite result in a published book.

On the one hand, I've had rather rotten luck so far -- the first publisher going out of business and irreconcilable creative diffs with the second -- but it also means two different publishers bit. I'll find a third.


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second offer, publisher, ellora's cave, ninestar, first offer

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