some light reading

Dec 03, 2004 21:58

The full Waxman report on Abstinence Only programs is here.

Some highlights for the lazy:

Pg 16

"Another curriculum presents the misleading information about the risk of pregnancy from sexual activity other than intercourse. the curriculum erroneously states that touching another person's genitals "can result in pregnancy." In fact, the source cited for this contention specifically states that "remaining a virgin all but eliminates the possibility of becoming pregnant."

Pg 19
(Some know my thoughts on abortion, but even I think this is a bit of a semantic stretch)

"One curriuculum that describes fetuses as 'babies' descirbes the blastocyst [not to be confused with a Blastoderm], technically a ball of 107 to 256 cells at the beginning of uterine implantation, as 'snuggling' into the uterus: After conception, the tiny baby moves down the fallopian tube toward the mother's uterus. About the sixth to tenth day after conception, when the baby is no bigger than this (.), the baby snuggles into the soft nest in the lining of the mother's uterus."

Pg 21
"Generally, guys are able to focus better on one activity at a time and may not connect feelings with actions. Girls access both sides of the brain at once, so they often experience feelings and emotions as part of every situation."

[So, men, generally, are sociopaths, and women, generally, are sensitive. *raises hand* can I change my gender role and still keep my nuts?]

Pg 21-22

"One book in the 'Choosing the Best' series presents a story about a knight who saves a princes from a dragon. The next time the dragon arrives, the princess advises the knight to kill the dragon with a noose, and the following time with poison, both of which work but leave the knight feeling 'ashamed.' The knight eventually decides to marry a village maiden, but did so 'only after making sure she knew nothing about nooses or poison.' [wait, there's more!] The curriculum concludes: Moral of the story: Occasional suggestions and assistance may be alright, but too much of it will lessen a man's confidence or even turn him away from his princess."

So true.
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