The next web edition of the prestigious, wonderful, exceptionally high-brow magazine
Lucy Magazine is coming just around the bend. I advise everyone go there and read it, because it's awesome, and ALSO because I'm on board now as a staff writer and my first article is coming up, which might, MIGHT count as a publication, provided the Editor in Chief doesn't decide she hates it and wants to burn it all to the ground. (I'm begging for mercy here, Kate.)
I feel like this is an accomplishment, but also something of nepotism since the Editor in Chief was a good friend in college and lived RIGHT ACROSS THE FLOOR from me senior year and was part of the Don't Let Lauren Be A Hermit collective. But that's okay, I can take a little nepotism, it gives me something to do.
Also, I am proud of myself for actually having the raw article submitted BEFORE the content deadline. This is like a first for me. GO ME.