ooo → Contact post!

Nov 03, 2010 17:29


Yes, please, this post is the one and only way to contact me! Do not send me messages via LJ (often I can't reply to those), do not stalk people for my MSN address, do not send emails on my LJ email address, do not stalk me on my other LJs (especially those dead ones O.O!)...just comment here and if something needs further discussing I will give you my email.....also if you want to repost something I posted on s-n or your membership request was missing something, do not comment here (why anyway?) ask on s-n.

Btw. this one is a dead LJ, used only to maintain my communities. So adding it makes you one big fool.

If you missed my 'I am moving post', well you know what to do! + it is relatively easy to find me...because there is only a few people with some specific interests*pointstoicon*