May 14, 2006 03:13
Well I must say that I have had quite an interesting week this week.. busy as hell...
Monday.. oh shit what did i do monday... oh yeah beach... i wrote about that already...
Tuesday.... worked 1 to 930 and then went to applebees and I got david to drink again... damn I'm good and he offically ordered grateful deads .. his quote.."these ones don't taste like juice" hahha he was tipsy and so was I and him sarab and i went to marinella's to chill, while i did the "oohh face" to marinella while megan wasn't looking....and i'll end it at that..
Wednesday....david left.... I worked 2 to 930 and then went to bennigans with sarab, manders, marinella, and joey.. those hurricanes are strong and joey left his debit card.. we hung out at my apartment for a sec and they trickled out and sarab got a job offer.. yay
Thursday.. i worked 1 to close again i think.. and then sarab, sean, marinella, carrie (yay we got her to go!) and manders went bowling to quarter bowling where a huge ass frozen drink only cost 5 bucks!! cheap ass shit.. i got somewhat tipsy.. ramon pulled a prank on us and said that he had to stay at the border because his green card expired.. the bastard.. at least i laughed at it intially...
Friday.... i worked again...I hung out with sarab, ramon, Joeyfashowey, manders and their new roomate beam... whom i hadn't seen in like four years.. he grew up.. we watched about 4 episodes of "NEXT"-- the gay ones were the funniest and the best part is when the gay guy said.. "yeahya" .. sarab and I just died... and the we preceded to explain the laughter to Beam and the word swisshh got thrown in.. he must have thought we were retarded... hahahha. However we did decide that we are going to create our own little next episode.. so wait for that shit... hhahahha
Today.. I worked AGAIN 9-3 and then i cleaned my apartment with sarab and I bought a digital camera.. yessss.. we ate pizza and the wedding date.. ALL GUYS should watch the wedding date.. I am offically obsessed with durmont mulroney.. he is soooooo sexy.... then we hung out at the girls apartment and we had bonding time with LIZ.. we have to remind her every now and then how awesome we are.. hahha.. we offcally stalked QSP or now Charlie Hotel on myspace and i got Sarab the hook up with kevin at the blue martini on monday!!!! his words.."she'll be taken care of".. yesss..
Tomarrow I have to go visit my mother in Cape Coral.. on my one day off.. while the rest of you biatches work and want to gut every family that walks into the resturant.. or give them dirty looks wondering why they are in the mall on mothers day for god sakes... i love my coffee shop.. hahha
well love you all
Im exahausted...