Afterthought. Again.

Sep 04, 2009 14:56

Well, I've been living in my own house for a few weeks now.  A lot of work needs to be done:  Backyard needs to be cleaned, porch repainted, whole inside house needs a new coat of paint.  Not that it's peeling or anything, it just turns out that the previous owner was a shut in chain smoker with several dogs.  That and I hate pink.

Oh, I need not mention the horrendous wallpaper.  That alone will take a few days to remove.  The lightbulbs are covered with nicotine, that I am sure, mostly because the stench of baked cigarettes seems to linger whenever I flip them on for an extended period of time.  I've been systematically replacing them, which sort of helps.

I swear, under that odor there is an undertone of lipstick.  You know the smell.  I can imagine the previous owner globbing on bright red lipstick and smoking an entire carton of Camels.  The lack of humanity.  Oh well, it's my house though.  With the exception of a few nightmares the first few days, I've been sleeping like a baby.

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