Urgh it's chilly~

Jan 20, 2011 23:19

Soooooooooooo, been some time since I posted a 'general' post that's safe for 'public' viewing mode.

Been........... busy? I guess?
I gave up with the monthly digests. It's just ridiculous, and it's not like I do anything interesting with my life. It's always same ole boring routine and stuff. Same ole complains, and same ole problems that never decrease and only increase.

Happy New Year people, its 2011.
At this time next year, the world would have ended, if what the movie '2012' really happens. Heh. Human kind has always been predicting their own demise. Perhaps, they truly are sick of living. This stupid life.
Bah, my cold and flu and in-pain-nose is making me pessimistic.

I've been working for the whole of last year, the same ole job, but I don't get tired of it. I like that job, and I don't mind doing it forever. But, I wanna try out other jobs too~ Maybe after a few years of trying out other jobs, if I realise that I like this current one more, I'll go back to it. But 1st things 1st, I gotta get my degree. =__=
That has been another issue altogether.

Rejected from Local Uni's coz I ain't smart enough for this genius country of mine. booohooooo, stoooopid meeee~
Rejected from job interviews coz, of stooooopid dresscodes and racial and religion - cist. The country LIES about being fair to everyone. it's allllll buulllshiiiittt... but no point going against the government you know. They are like, BIG BOSS, and you(me) is the small fry. So just be kwai kwai and stay quiet and don't start riot. else you sure die one.

Personal and family life has been.... a mess? I dunno laaaaaaaaaaaahh So headache already when I think about it. All the adults around me are being so stupid. So rubbish. So urgh. This traditional thing about the older generation ah, some parts ah, truly cannot make it. Things need to be developed man. And mental processes too. But everyone is just not on the same brain wavelength, instead to each his own particle in this vast spectrum of colours that splay out in a array of colours shining out at all 360 degrees. But problem is, no one is meeting at a center point. What the heck of a spectrum and array is this man. Everyone's on different dimensional planes. We're all like aliens with each other. Because for some, they are too stubborn and set in their ways. and some don't want to bend and give in. and some are just honestly stupid. *shakes head* I'm only so young and I already am tierd... but I cannot give up yet.... because when you give in to your fatigue, you give up, and your drive is gone. and then you become stubborn and set in your own ways, not wanting to bend and give in.... I need to get my zest back. and my energy..... from somewhere..... *looks up in the sky* ya can't even see the freaking stars with all this blasted light pollution.

Enough groaning and complains.
I've been trying to draw more, and write more. but I only end up reading more.... At the moment at least, I don't have the pressure to study. as I'm yet in school. But once school starts... I don't know where I'm gonna find the time to even read what I want, (and not school texts)...

And the weather has been madness. and the world is in disaster. Natural disaster.
What the heck have the people done god, for you to lash out such punishments.... we're all wrong dooers, coz we're gaining too much brain.... Scientology is becoming dang popular of late. But I don't fall under that category just yet.... coz ghosts and spirits, and funny things you see that you just can't put into words, have yet to be explained by scientists...

I think I'll end now.

random/rants, life's updates

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