Nov 10, 2007 11:48
...assuming the populous consists entirely of Rachael.
For those who don't know, I'm in Austin now, working for KBR, and I'm kind of a badass. When I'm not labor forecasting and revenue tracking in my office with my name on the door, I'm hangin' with high-ranking KBR management types and calculating acceptable numbers of homeless children per million dollars revenue.
Soon I'll be traveling a lot, which will kick ass. I'll be in Vegas to meet with clients in mid-December. The VP of my division will be there too, along with the national director of markets (my boss/the guy with whom I'll be traveling), the national directors of each of the individual markets (water, aviation, highways, tunneling, facilities), each of whom gets to bring one person from their markets, and two other guys. I'm pretty sure I'll be the only person under 45.
I've joined a gym (, and it's pretty awesome. By far the nicest gym I've every seen. Plus, I can get my haircut there. I'm gonna get some abs. It's gonna rock.
I'm trying to think of something clever to write, but Yoda is sleeping on my chest, which makes me extremely sleepy; so I'm out. Maybe I'll write later about something cool I'll do tonight.