Nov 07, 2005 12:23
Update time. Hoo-hah!
Lets start with life this time. The gaming part can come later.
I miss home. Now, i'm a big boy, I can handle being away from home for a long time. But I miss driving home and seeing my parents. They are good people, and they always have a smile on their face when I come through the door. That doesn't happen a lot when I walk through the front doors of Smith Music Hall. Usually there are professors on their way up to their offices to do God knows what. There are strung-out students laying on the ground at the T. You know what I mean? People are busy, tired, strung-out, and cranky most days. I try to stay positive, but it's hard when so many people bitch about every little detail of their lives. I don't do that.
But yeah, I miss home. My sister Emily and her husband have been trying to have children for a while now. I'm not going to go into detail (because that is none of your business. heh.), but she has had trouble with it. She had some doctors check her out, fix her up, and now there is some serious hope of them having kids. That makes me happy. It makes me happy because that makes HER happy. My sister Sarah was diagnosed with asthma several years ago. Recently, after she and her husband Jim moved into an apartment near DC, they found black mold under their carpet. Well, that made her asthma kick up something AWFUL. She was in the hospital for several days. She's alright now, and they are going to take out the carpet and clean things up. It could have been much worse, but it was still pretty damn bad. We were all very worried. But on a bright note, she is doing well.
Lady-type. How do I love thee. Let me count the ways. I would talk about her on my livejournal, but she has one of her own! You can find her journal under sirenarossa. She is cute and nice. Visit her journal.
Ok. Gaming.
Kim (Taylor "Sings-of-Broken-Hearts") and Patrick ("Cadaver's-Bane") have left my Werewolf: the Apocalypse. Life, school and other factors have made playing games on Saturday impossible. I regret to see them leave, but there is nothing I can do. Life definately comes first. So, I wish them the best of luck in their studies. Hopefully they will be able to return once their lives cool down.
But, on a bright note, I have two new members! Both are new to the game, but they have taken to it naturally. David (who I have always thought to be a power-gamer. Sorry, bud, if you're reading this.) made a Child of Gaia Ragabash who is a part of the Imminent Strike. A militant Child of Gaia. I love it. He's a Ragabash, too, which makes that really odd. But still, he wrote up a good story, and made it work. So he's cool with me. Next is Boo, who is a complete newbie. He made a Get of Fenris Galliard who actually likes to tell his stories through self-mutilation. He tells his stories in his Glabro form and draws pictures of the story in his chest with his own claws. The cuts regenerate just as he moves on to the next picture in the story. How brutal. How awesome! How Get of Fenris! I love it.
So, overall, to end this update, (as I have to get going) i'm a happy boy. Well, for the most part i'm a happy boy. I wish the lady-type was feeling better. Her allergies are acting up and....other things. I feel bad. I wish I could help her feel better. Ice cream will just have to do.
So yeah. Happy boy.
See you, guys. Call me! 740-317-0281.