Title: An end of sorts
Series: CLAMP School Detectives
Pairing: Nokoru/Suoh
Prompt: "Hey, you know..."
Rating/Warning: PG-13. Boys kissing.
Word Count: 443
Author's Note: I think I hate this. But... I'm a month overdue in 30kisses, needed to write something and couldn't think of anything else to write for this prompt. So. Here it is.
Part One Part Two Part Three Part Four:
In a nervous fit of energy, Nokoru had flown through piles of paperwork. An hour had passed since Nagisa had left the office and he still had no idea what to do. He kept going over their conversation in his head. He should have convinced her she was wrong, manipulated her into changing her mind, begged her to take Suoh back. At the time, all he could think was she’s giving him to me and he’d missed his chance. The door opened and his mind froze.
“Are you working?” Suoh demanded as he approached his own desk.
“It happens sometimes.” Nokoru replied absently, avoiding eye contact and reaching for another stack of paper.
“Are you alright?” the ninja asked.
“Of course.” He answered, not needing to look up to know Suoh didn’t believe him. Thankfully, the bodyguard let it go and began his own work. At least half an hour passed in silence, Nokoru still going through all the options. He was annoyed now, unsure of how to proceed and resentful of the fact. He couldn’t remember any time in his life he hadn’t had at least three plans for every single occurrence. Every time he looked at Suoh, his mind went blank. He could only think of what he wanted, not what needed to be done.
“Hey, you know…” he began and stopped short, mortified that he’d spoken at all.
“I’ve spoken to Nagisa.” Nokoru blurted out, unable to come up with anything else to say.
“Ah. That took longer than I thought it would.” Souh said with a hint of amusement. “It’s been a whole day since she broke up with me.”
“I should tell you to go change her mind. I should tell you to win her over.” The blonde told him, finally meeting his companion’s gaze.
Suoh’s face went blank, hiding any reaction.
“But you’re not going to?” he asked a moment later, voice betraying nothing. Slowly, Nokoru shook his head in the negative.
“I can’t. I don’t know what to do.” Nokoru admitted softly, rubbing his eyes with the heels of his hands. Suoh was next to him a moment later, gently pulling his hands away from his face.
“What do you want?” the ninja asked, face still unreadable. Nokoru stood, watching his bodyguard for a moment. He thought about his obligations to family, to the school, to the world* and for just a single moment, he didn’t care about any of them. A laugh at the absurdity of that escaped as he pressed his lips to Suoh’s.
“I just want you.” He murmured. Suoh’s arms wrapped around him response, content for the first time in years.
*refers to X/1999, protecting Kamui's Holy Sword. I'm not sure that was clear.