2015 Book List

Jan 05, 2015 00:04

1. Made to Be Broken - Kelley Armstrong
2. Wild Justice - Kelley Armstrong
3. Forever Odd - Dean Koontz
4. Brother Odd - Dean Koontz
5. Odd Hours - Dean Koontz
6. Symbiont - Mira Grant
7. Pocket Apocalypse - Seanan McGuire
8. Dead Inside: Do Not Enter: Notes From the Zombie Apocalypse - Lost Zombies
9. The Undead Pool - Kim Harrison
10. The Witch With No Name - Kim Harrison
11. Crazy Rich Asians - Kevin Kwan
12. Hellenic Polytheism: Household Worship - Christos Pandion Panopoulos
13. Dead Heat - Patricia Briggs
14. Cult of Aphrodite: Rites and Festivals of The Golden One - Laurelei Black
15. No Humans Involved - Kelley Armstrong*
16. Personal Demon - Kelley Armstrong*
17. Rose Red Chain - Seanan McGuire
18. Uprooted - Naomi Novik
19. Dietland - Sarai Walker
20. Magic Shifts - Ilona Andrews
21. Mountain Echoes - C.E. Murphy
22. Persuasion - Jane Austen
23. Small Magics (Anthology) - Ilona Andrews
          A Questionable Client
     Retribution Clause
     Of Swine and Roses
     Grace of Small Magics
     Magic Tests

Short stories & novellas:
1. San Diego 2014: The Last Stand of The California Brown Coats - Mira Grant
2. How Green This Land, How Blue This Sea - Mira Grant
3. Quarterd - Tanya Huff
4. Bone Garden - Amanda Downum
5. Rat Catcher - Seanan McGuire
6. The Ghosts of Buorbon Street - Seanan McGuire
7. Magic Stars - Ilona Andrews
8. Magic Steals - Illona Andrews

1. Ms Marvel: No Normal by G. Willow Wilson & Adrian Alphona
2. Ms Marvel: Generation Why by G. Willow Wilson & Adrian Alphona
3. Ms Marvel: Crushed by G. Willow Wilson & Adrian Alphona
4. iZombie: Dead To The World by Chris Roberson
5. iZombie: UVampire by Chris Roberson
6. iZombie: Six Feet Under and Rising by Chris Roberson
7. iZombie: RePossession by Chris Roberson
8. Hawkeye: My Life as A Weapon - Matt Fraction
9. Hawkeye: Little Hits - Matt Fraction
10. New Avengers: Everything Dies - Jonathan Hickman
11. New Avengers: Infinity by Jonathan Hickman
12. Batwoman: Hydrology - J.H. Williams III

book list, 2015

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