Из обсуждения в Facebook благороднейшего cause-а: Keep Turkey Outside the European Union (EU) / The cause now has 272 members / Their mission: to build a strong Europe
Karen Vrtanesyan: I don't care about Europe, sorry :)
Dino Ajemian: All Armenians need to work to get the saracens out of Europe. The survival of Europe and Armenia depends on it.
Karen Vrtanesyan: Dino, fuck Europe.
Dino Ajemian: Karen, it's easy to take a nihilist approach to the issue but maybe you don't realize that if Western Civilization does not save itself from the islamic onslaught Armenia will not surive. It's in Armenia's interest that Europe succeeds.( Russia will have a moslem majority in 90 years)And I beleive that a strengthened Europe, a Europe on the right ... See Moretrack, a Europe that will see the true nature of turkey's evilness will only help our cause. It's imperative to become active in helping Europe save itself from the turks. Think of the two cases of the Iberian pennisula (Spain & Portugal) and Anatolia. Both lands of Western Civilization. Both occupied by invading saracens. One was saved, Spain, the saracens removed and the other, Anatolia, where western civilization died. What a loss to us if Spain was lost forever to Islam and what a tremendous loss to western civilization the loss of Anatolia. Do you want Europe to go the way Anatolia did or would it not be better for Europe to do what is right like Spain did in the Reconquista? Or would you prefer St Peter's basillica in the Vatican become a mosque just like Hagia Sophia in Constantinople? Russia will have a moslem majority in 90 years, Belgium in 50 years, France in 75 years. Europe has been weak willed during the 20th century and has been no help to us but a moslem Europe in the 21st century? Without a Christian Europe we are doomed.
Karen Vrtanesyan: Fuck "Western Civilization" :) They never ever really cared about the Armenian civilization, moreover many times they have put the very existance of our nation under the question. So screw them :)) Why not to focus on our own problems instead of popping up with uninvited efforts to "save Europe" from the threats that she herself has created?
Karen Vrtanesyan: "Christian brothers", my ass...
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