Russians plant flag on Arctic seabed

Aug 02, 2007 23:51

By DOUGLAS BIRCH, Associated Press Writer 2 hours, 15 minutes ago

MOSCOW - Two deep-diving Russian mini-submarines descended more than 2 1/2 miles under North Pole ice to stake a flag on the ocean floor Thursday, part of a quest to bolster Russian claims to much of the Arctic's oil-and-mineral wealth.


"It was so good down there," expedition leader Artur Chilingarov, 68, a famed polar scientist said after coming back. "If someone else goes down there in 100 or 1,000 years, he will see our Russian flag."

The voyage has some scientific goals, including studies of the climate, geology and biology of the polar region. But its chief aim appeared to be to advancing Russia's political and economic influence by strengthening its legal claims to the Arctic...

Continued here.

Two things I want to call your attention on:

1. At some point this text reminds me of one of those old Cold-war era articles (OMG Russians are coming! style). Panic! Everybody panic!

2. As usual, there is an Armenian involved :)

3. Молодцы русские, что бы там о них не говорили (which made it three ;))

armenians, армяне, russia, россия, геополитика, geopolitics

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