Kosovo ... blah ... UNDP ... blah-blah ... democracy ... blah-blah-blah

Apr 17, 2008 16:33

Youth: A New Generation for a New Kosovo

... Kosovo Human Development Report 2006 (KHDR 2006) is focused on youth. It examines the problems and challenges they face, their current and likely future role in Kosovo society, and ways to strengthen young people’s participation in and influence on political and economic developments.

The report consists of four chapters. The first assesses the current situation of young people and concludes that greater investment in them will help stimulate progress and accelerate poverty reduction. These developments can only be realized through young and highly educated people who are equipped with the appropriate knowledge, skills and competence.

Одним словом, доклад UNDP об албанской молодежи в Косово. Можно скачать и получать удовольствие, почитывая вечерами у камина.

kosovo, косово

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