The fact that I am not a big fun of Radio Liberty’s or BBC’s editorial policies on Armenia is not a big secret to anyone who reads my journal (check the tags
rfe/rl and
bbc for details). It's good that more and more people from outside of Armenia start noticing the bias too.
Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty's Provokes,
Incites The Crowds In Armenia By Giving Misinformation
James K. Glassman
Chairman of the BBC
Jeffrey Gedmin,
Director RFERL
Dear Sirs,
I have on numerous occasions complained to you regarding the bias reporting of your Armenian desk which has done everything in order to provoke and incite the crowds by giving misinformation.
Its now obvious that you have an agenda which is to have a regime change in Armenia, this can only done by the methods you have activated through your Armenian desk.
You should all be ashamed of your service to your so called Liberty, in other words change regimes to suit your designs in the area which you have done in Iraq and in other countries.
I will never again listen to your station, its so obvious what you stand for.
Yours sincerely
Mihran Keheyian
Several days ago I was a witness to one such psyop by Radio Liberty. I stopped a cab to get to the downtown Yerevan from one of the suburbs. The cab-driver was listening to RL, and they were reporting about the «opposition walks» at the Northern Avenue which took place regularly at around 6-7 PM every day. If you listened to their report it was like there was a civil war to break out in a moment. The radio hosts sounded excited, alarmed, almost hysterical. Needless to say, that when I got to Abovyan street (which is next to the Northern Ave.), there were just several dozens pedestrians and less than a dozen police officers there. But if you were elsewhere in Yerevan at that moment you would get the feeling that the war is going to start any moment...