Oct 22, 2004 22:16
i dont konw what exactly im thinking right now..
im kinda dumb founded.
cRAP-o on a Stick-o...
you know...
the spanish espanol language....is just like speaking w/ every word having an "o" at the end..
so here is my rendition (sp?) of espanol..
here it goes..
beginning now-o
so-o....i-o is-o speaking o espanol...o...muah hahahaha..o...
rawr o..
wow o..thiso iso goingo to beo very-o weird-o..haha get it? weirdo...
okie im totally being random. forgive my stupidness..please.
onto what life is like right now..
you know what i truly hate?! like seriously hate..? here it goes..
hate (kinda hypocratical for that one..again spelling?),
use of judgement in an unjust way,
disrespect, dishonesty, and things of that sort.
i know this boi who is totally hating on paul..
for one thing hes jealous cuz i wouldve said no to him and he thinks hes so "cool".
but please. DEFINE what is 'cool' and 'uncool'
our society portrays 'cool' by looks. not whats deep inside.
i advise you to dig deep beyond the surface...please...know someone by their heart
not whats covering it. anyway..
he just is totally being disrepectful to my interests, and paul.
i meen, he doesn't even know him. he can't call him a loser. nor a fag.
and..hes offending gay people..whats wrong w/ gay ppl??
why is he using the term 'fag' when obviously paul is straight.
and why is being gay such a ..... whats the word .... insult now to straight people?
i think its absurd..
rawr. i think im done w/ my ramblings.