May 28, 2005 22:57
i must blame the food.
and you.
reoccuring theme in my entries: mixed signals suck ass. they can die die die. and never reappear ever ever again.
okay? thanks :)
okay was that?
i was fine...great...completely okay without whatever it was you gave me.
but just couldn't leave it that way
you have to go back and use your irresistable charm on me which you know i'm a sucker for
so i'm really counting on the mexican food to be the cause of all this
and when i finish digesting it and it leaves my system...things will be okay
but the fact is...all those looks that the entire room saw shall not leave my memory
no...they will permeate my brain down to my heart and make me wonder what the hell you were thinking
can't you just leave the planet so i don't have to see you every again?
or maybe i can just erase my memory of you so i don't have to ever remember you again
no...that won't work
because tonight, i saw you for the person you were...and maybe it was only because the relatives that you like oh so much weren't there but the fact is, is that i still saw you.
and you saw me...which i haven't felt in a long time
a rush of unwanted emotions have returned...
and we were doing so damn well!
please don't look at me that way, talk to me that way, treat me that way, and sing that song that way
because i just don't think i can handle it anymore
you've done too much
but if this is meant for something...then i guess just let me live through it without permanently demolishing my blood and life source.
and i thought that maybe it was just me and i was reading way too much into things
but no...apparently it was quite obvious
maybe you should've been more discrete so steph would have thought i was crazy and making things up.
i miss you again tonight
and i'll think about the european wonders until i fall asleep <33
note to self: mexican food gives you mixed signals. mixed signals are bad. therefore, mexican food=bad.