Hi...? I'm not supposed to use my electronics today. Like, at all. So I'm on my sneaked iPod. Being sneaky in the bathroom.
I'm trying to buy a shirt from someone on
themerchbooth but it runs TINY AS FUG. Ever hear of the Break Dance, Not Hearts Clan shirt? Yeah, that in pink.
Measurements are 14in across, 20in long. I tried to look for one of my sister's shirts with similar measurements. I look like a cocktail sausage in it.
So, my question is: should I buy it? If I do I'd probably also buy a brown The Hush Sound hoodie (HUSH in blue on the front) and it'd be $30 for everything. And idk if I should. If I buy the shirt I gues it's a keepsake...? And perhaps I could make something out of it, like a bag.
On a related note, I'm devicing a plan on how to buy the black clan hoodie with the purple diamond batheart across it. As of today, I've seen it on 2 people at school. What I need is a way to say "hey, here's $30! Can I buy your jacket?" without having them call the authorities on my fangirlish ass. So.
Other than... Nothing on this front. Xx
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