I can't be arsed to update on a regular basis, so hopefully I can tie everything together thematically instead of temporally...or something. Any way, this is totally homoerotic because it is a naked guy tied to a tree being shot with arrows. It's hardly worth pointing out that those are phallic symbols, but I did any way because I am a pompous ass some times...
Yeah, school is down to literally the last week. I have 25 more pages on various topics to write...I can do it. I should have done it sooner, but I spent all weekend hanging out with folks...And being a lazy douche. I am good at that.
But I did have fun this weekend while I wasn't working on papers! Saturday I went to a schnitzel evening held at the German club president's house. The food was wonderful, deliciously fatty south-German food. I would kick someone in the shins for Spätzle on a more regular basis...
A lot of us kicked a soccer ball and threw a frisbee around after dinner. There was German music and a hammock and a dalmatian, so it was a good time, all in all.
Afterwards, we went back to the German House to pregame for this party we were going to...Sambuca shots while soaking your feet in the tub with attractive Germans (well, one half-German) is kinda fun.
The party, however, went from distasteful to disgustinf fairly quickly...The beer was shitty, the music shittier, the party-throwers shittiest. It was the nerd dorm...So many socially awkward people with skin problems in so little space...I was yelled at by some dude that was bowling down the hallway (what the hell?) and yelled back at him...Then stomped out and decided to wait on my friends to join me...We went back to the German House for night (early morning?) caps...But nights like this make it abundantly clear that I am ready to be the hell away from the American university setting...
I did get some work done today...I wrote a page on Johannes Kepler and read 130 pages on German military culture. It's a start...But it does feel like a long slog up a hill...My mom's motivational mountains might have ingrained in me that finishing schoolwork is a difficult and arduous task...I'll have to raise that issue with her...
I've also been meaning to ask my parents if I was pigeon-toed as a child. My ankles bend in funny ways and make traingle pose a bitch to hold for long periods of time...
How can limbo be abolished? Good question, Catholic Church, how can you suddenly change what happens to souls when they die? I didn't know God was quite that flexible...He's still not letting people use birth control to stop the spread of AIDS in Africa, after all...Although sending all the babies straight to heaven would be a nice gesture. The article did point out that many people had trouble reconciling a loving God with unbaptised babies being sent to limbo...I, however, have a problem reconciling a loving God to his earthly representative with the scary, evil rat face:
Study: school culture affects violence. Duh, duh, duh, America...It's not violent video games making killers, it's the terrible schools people go to and the abuse the face there. Some people can't handle it and snap, leaving body counts.
When are people going to realize that our culture is not working as it should?
--Another reason I don't get much work done is
YouTube. It is full of so many awesome videos, like this one with a German guy poking a hedgehog:
Click to view
Needless to say, cute boy + Schwäbisch pronunciation + a hedgehog = I have a long-distance YouTube crush, hehehe...Another video I enjoy is this catchy 1990s PSA about meth:
Click to view
I bet you'll find yourself humming "hmmm, METH!" That gets looks, always.
--Speaking of meth,
rural meth use is riskier than urban meth use. The article means for the meth users themselves, since they've no access to treatment facilities and whatnot, but I am pretty sure rural meth use is riskier for the people who don't use it since rural law enforcement can't cope with meth-heads with ready access to pickup trucks and shotguns. I've little sympathy for meth users, because it is not like no one's ever told them that the stuff is absolute hell that will ruin you body, mind, and soul, and that it can be addictive with the first use...Not using meth is common sense. There is never, ever, any reason to put it in your body.
Two men admit trafficking whale teeth. I did know it was illegal (for the same reason it's illegal to have ambergris or any other whale product), but I really didn't know there was a demand for whale teeth.
--And since other people are doing this as well,
go look at my dæmon (it ehn't letting me imbed in the entry, dammit). I don't like the fact that they choose the dæmon's gender based strictly on your own...In the series it was obvious that Pullman meant for some people to have dæmons of the same gender...They're the homos. Other than that, the website is neat, but their Alethiometer sucks compared to my friend
Wendell's version.