May 25, 2008 01:57
Everyone is fitting together, I'm that unneeded piece.
Not saying I'm completely useless. (LOL Daniel just farted while writing this, Thought I'd let you know)
I'm (though completely distracted because I'm laughing at how funny it was that Daniel farted) not needed yet. I have to wait patiently until it's my time to shine.
all around me pieces are fitting together, things are happening, and I'm missing out of it. not their fault, but more of my fault, for my lack of enthusiasm.
the image that is upon my puzzle piece had come off as, Harsh, Jealous, Inane, wasting time, trying to delay the inevitable, as If I rotate myself in the wrong position so I do not fit in right. "I am the awkward piece."
as time goes on every piece pairs off with each other, the pile of random pieces gets smaller, and I, the useless piece, am being left behind.
but maybe...maybe this is a good thing.
as the pieces pair up, I am being saved. rather for the best part. the finishing touch, the final pairing, the satisfaction of a finished masterpiece.
when it all starts out, you don't know how the pieces fit. as if the puzzle maker (the person trying to make it) plays as god (doesn't matter which)and works there chances at fitting the puzzle the best they can.
Jeanine and I had come across a lot of (literal) pieces that were "close, but not the right piece"
they fit together, but the image doesn't fit. and everything else would fall apart, because the other ends don't match up.
I find that the same in life (well relationships) too.
at first a relationship seems to be that perfect relationship, but as more pieces are added to the final product, you find out, that piece isn't the piece for you. you pull apart, tossed back into the fray. and you try again.
But right now, my vision or mindset has been pushed off as to seeing everything and everyone as a puzzle piece.
above me pieces are falling down to the ground connecting to each other, a perfect fit, and I am still searching for that hopeful perfect piece.
I'm finally surrounded by pieces. I don't know how to orientate myself to fit perfectly.
as I wait, and see how everything is turning out, only then will I know, if you're the right piece for me.