Willow and I have begun working on Fire to balance the work we have done for the last several months with Earth.
Times like this lead me to reverse the saying we have when counseling those who are looking for teachers. "When you are ready, a teacher will come."
I'd say additionally, to those who would share their experiences and steps along the path, "When you are ready, a student will come."
Earth was easy (Earth Girls are easy??). Both of us are children of the Earth Goddess, and it is the Element we both have the greatest affinity with. Teaching Earth was was like cushing down into a comfy place for me. Not much advance thought required, just a quiet sitting down on Friday night to journal a bit to prepare for Saturday mornings.
And now we have moved on to Fire. I am discovering that my own Elemental Balancing is a bit out of whack, and that over the years I've become a bit stuck in Earth-mode (understatement!). At first, Fire was being uncooperative. I read old journals, did some magicks with Fire, read books for inspiration, and generally came to an understanding that I am so grounded in Earth that I'm going to have to refocus my attention on all Elements as Willow and I progress.
This is going to refresh and rejuvenate me in ways I can only begin to understand at the moment. I have a real sense of myself coming out of this changed for the better.
The amazing happenings at my Midsummer altar opened me back up a bit. I had some playtime there that opened me back up to the possibilities of Fire. And it is a bit like a fiery floodgate opened up.
Fire this week was the Ember that reminded me of the constant presence of Goddess, and of Spirit, in all ... even in the workplace.
The Steady Flame of Fire this week traveled my body and stopped two migraines in their track. Or more precisely, melted them. Way cool! Or, rather, way WARM!
The Big Flame of fire this week lifted me up and kept me strong physically, when my body wanted to go to ground.