May 03, 2008 12:16
We sit on our front patio constantly. It's the Big Guy's "dowry" as before we got married and he was coming down here he wanted some place to sit out front on. Being from the city, he's used to front porches and yacking with neighbors and watching the world go by. This house was built for the outdoors time to be spent in the back yard, separated from the street. That didn't settle with my City Dude.
So before we were married (ain't love somethin' else?), he had an expanded driveway put in, which also ran across the front of the house to create a large patio. It's really beautiful. Stamped and dyed concrete that looks like stone. It's his pride and joy. And we have both enjoyed it so much! It was a bit of a silly expenditure as it was more money than you should invest in our kind of house. But was worth every penny in the pleasure it brings us and will continue to bring us.
In the summer, though, it's too hot out there mid-day. We've been dreaming of making it into a porch (too expensive) or protecting it somehow. Even thought of buying a gazebo of some type. But nothing worked the way we envisioned.
So, like everyone else who watches TV, we've been seeing the ads for those Sunsetter retractable awnings.
And decided to go for it.
We didn't end up with a Sunsetter. They cost twice what other manufacturers charge (one of those paying-for-the-name things). Got another brand which actually has a better warranty ... for half the price.
What fun! We have bought a lot of things in our time together. And always laugh thinking we'll finally get to the point that it's a struggle or we don't agree. In our three years together we have not yet had a disagreement. I think for the first year or so we kept waiting for it to happen and were curious how we'd deal with it. But then we realized that we think alike a great deal of the time, and when we don't we are good at picking up on each other's vibes. We had the salesman for the awning laughing, as he and his wife debate every little thing. Where the Big Guy and I sail along, agreeing or finding quick and comfortable compromises. We've breezed through buying cars, furniture, appliances, and of course the patio itself.
For the awning, there was first deciding which brand. Then what size. Manual or electric. The fabric, the trim style and the braid color. In ten minutes we were done!
We are hoping to have it installed by the end of May ::winking at our Northwoods family::
It's going to be so decadent to be in the living room once the sun starts hitting those windows, and at the click of a button roll out that awning.
And we will be able to be outside so much more during the day. And were thinking last night, as we were bit with the first of the season's misquitoes, that it'll help at night because the citronella candle smoke will be held down within it.
We are so looking forward to it!
Two Old Farts ... settin' on the patio watching the neighborhood ... playing with their (remote control) buttons!