I've been a bit preoccupied since my last post.
Remember I was asking for reviewers for the site I review for? Well! Now, it's personal. I've started my OWN - but I'm afiliated with the original site. I'm a "sister".
You see, I enjoy romance stories with an erotic bent; Menage, light BDSM. things of that nature. Some stories are so good, the only drawback is the extra suggestive situations. I don't consider them a drawback, but they are over the line for the other review site .
I read Dragon Lord by Kaitlyn Oconnor and was SO wowed I was compelled to write a review but there was no home for it. Sure, I placed it on my own blog, but that blog is all over the place. It's not one to visit if you are looking for book reviews, so, what to do?
I made my own. That's how strongly I felt about the kind of books I read. They deserve their own place and authors can never have too much exposure for their books.
My philosophy is to only, like LASR, post positive reviews. BUT, I will not post every book. I will not give raves and accolades for poor editing (which is a reflection on the editor, not the author) or major POV hopping that kicks you out of the story, or sex scenes that are there for filler and not to the benefit of plot development or character connection. (well, lol, beyond the obvious). I"ll just decline to review. No snark - there's plenty of blogs/sites that have their place in the sun under that venue.
My site is called
'Whipped Cream. Cute title, eh? Check it out, if you have the time.
It's still in process in that the flame ratings may be changed. I mean, I can't find a Half Flame anywhere and when I suggested using a PUFF of smoke as the half, the site owner (my fairy godmother) almost busted a gut laughing at my suggestion.
This books is Rated Four Flames and a Puff. Guess it DOES sound silly.
Took her awhile to catch her breath. I have that affect on people. *gg*
So, we're still using our thinking caps.
If any of my visitors read romantica/ romance with erotic elements and enjoy writing about what worked or touched them in a story, I would love to have you as a reviewer.
My personal motto?
A Reviewer is a Reader with a Voice.
And, you can never have too many voices. I posted a plea on another romance board I belong to earlier this week and I'm thrilled that I not only had some responses, but they are enthusiastic about doing it, almost giddy. Never mind how that makes ME feel. *grin*
Now, I just have to get the word out to authors that I'm out there.
Due to the efforts of my Momma Review site, LASR, I have had some authors submit to me directly and it was a major thrill!
My romantica favorites now have a home and I couldn't be happier.
Thanks for reading and if you could, Pass the Word for me, OK?
Thanks heaps.
HUGS and Happy Weekend to you!