Title: Beneath The Deadly Skies
Characters/Pairing: Bella/Edward
Rating: M
Category: Romance/Drama
Summary: When Bella’s life has crashed down after a life-wrecking natural disaster, she’s determined it’s the end of the world. She soon ends up in Forks with her father Charlie and Emmett [her brother] trying to face the world but what can she do when she can’t seem to be anything but… broken? She soon meets a mysterious Edward Cullen who shows helps her overcome her fears and struggles in life. AU, OOC [A bit].
Chapter 1:
http://www.fanfiction.net/s/5423906/1/Beneath_The_Deadly_Skies/ How have you all been? I'm still alive, although, It's so damn confusing on how to use this thing. I've been Twilighting and all around here with looking at the latest goss, fanfictions and icons. Love them. Drop by and say hi sometime. :)