2018 - from a Writer's Perspective

Jan 03, 2019 02:44


As far as my writing is concerned, this has been a productive year, as follows:

* 4 stories of mine were published this year:
- "The Crystals of the Ebony Tower" at ANOTHEREALM - http://www.anotherealm.com/2018/ar010118.php
- "The Catalyst" in CAT TAILS
- "Traveler from an Antique Land" in ODD TALES OF WONDER #10
- "The Book of Pain" in FANTASY FOR THE THRONE

* 4 stories accepted and scheduled to be published in 2019:
- "Aerodynamics" in ANOTHEREALM
- "Harry, Harry, Quite Contrary" in POLAR BOREALIS
- "A Mynah for the King" at WAGONBRIDGE PUBLISHING
- "T. GIPS and the Time Flies" in STARTLING STORIES

* I have started, and am half way through my very first novel.

* 54 pieces of writing (fiction and non-fiction) are in circulation, awaiting responses.


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