[Bill & Aidan's Flat: Locked to Residents, Ginny & Guests]

Feb 05, 2005 18:24

Bill had, in theory, unpacked.

That would explain why his books and scrolls weren't neatly in boxes but from one end of the flat to the other.

Aidan had attempted to organize. To tidy and clean. Perhaps more than once. But than another thought would strike Bill. Another idea. And he would need a book, right then, what had been under one parchment, there, by that pile, was no longer by the right chair leg, since Aidan had made nice neat stacks, so Bill would have to create chaos again to find it. Once he found it though, he'd sink into an arm chair oblivious to everything but his research for hours until it was too dark to read and his throat had gone so dry that his voice was hoarse when he attempted to greet Aidan.

He promised to eat and drink something after the first few days of that. Something other than Scotch the second day after that. Aidan was so tetchy.

They were out of anything resembling civilized tea, which meant Bill needed to go to the market, but at least mostly bare cupboards meant he knew that without making a bit of a mess out of the kitchen. It was just pots and pans and empty boxes of take away. No actual food.

Perhaps a trip to the grocer was in order for more than tea. The baker had fresh sweet breads. Bill bought extra in case they did have guests.

Hadn't Ginny said something on the enchanted parchments about stopping in?
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