A few thoughts

Mar 30, 2008 22:31

I am in the middle of two essays and needless to say, I am distracted.

While there may only be one person who reads this, I still feel the need to share my feelings.  I have been deeply moved by the death of Mr. Bob Schabowski and have taken it upon myself to spread the word.  In doing so, I have heard the feelings of countless individuals and how they were affected by Mr. Bob.  Culminating with the funeral service on Sunday, I can say that I am nothing short of moved by the character that this man possessed.  You can go  through his family's words, the words of students, and the words of friends to see the prevailing theme of morality within this man.  This is what touches me most.

The thought always pops into my mind, and while I'm currently thinking aloud, I think it is fair to say that we need to memorialize Mr. Bob.  However, what is the proper way in which to do this?  Certainly we could name a wing of a building after him, or build a big statue for him, or even make a plaque for him and place it under a tree, but does this truly fit HIS character?  When listening to eulogy after eulogy, it made itself clear the extent to which Mr. Bob's humility went.  His humor was self-depricating, his faith was God-fearing, and his thoughts of himself were simply put, humble.  There is no other way to describe it.

I'd like to make a resolution.  My memorial to Mr. Bob is to hold what he held dear, near to my heart.  I realize that over time I have become vulgar, obnoxious, and at times, mean.  While I have big goals in life, on days like today, I see that the little things matter the most.  Mr. Bob made a difference in many people's lives and while he tried only to make a small difference, he accomplished not a collective big difference, but a collective HUGE difference.

Its amazing to see the difference that one man made. 
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