Not for those with weak stomachs

Nov 15, 2006 11:33

I haven't posted alot because there wasn't alot to tell. I go to work. I run errands. I sleep occasionally. Sometimes I even watch tv. I really like my job. I love the people I work with. I like my job alot. Yes I realize its unglorified housekeeping but I like it alot.

I am writing today because I have something I feel is post worthy. Once again.... if you have a weak stomach do not continue reading.

It seems to me the boys and girls have a little competition going on in the bathrooms in the main lobby. Every time there is a mess in one, there is a mess in both. I start off with the girls bathroom first because it is 3 times the size and has tons of those little trash bags to change in each stall. One day in the girls bathroom there was pee on one seat. And I thought sheesh girls are gross. Could the boys stand to have their title of grossness taken from them? No. They fought back. When I made it around to the boys bathroom there was poop splatter all in the toilet. Boys won.

One day there was blood (and not just a little blood) all running down the toilet. I thought eeeewwwwww boys can't beat that. I was wrong. Someone had managed to pee on the wall and the floor and even get a little on the seat. Boys won.

Last night.... oh last night. The girls handicap toilet had diareah splattered all over the seat, under the seat, in the bowl, and a little on the outside. I'm holding my nose thinking well the girls won this round. I was WRONG. I walk into the boys bathroom and it just reaks of poop. I'm thinking ohhhhh great. Someone had taken a large dump in a urinal. A URINAL. So much so that it was spilling OUT of the urinal, and dripped from that urinal to the paper towel rack where poop was smeared on paper towels and thrown in the trash basket (on top of the trash basket mind you) and had apparently stepped in it because there was poopy foot prints all the way out the door. Ding ding ding. Boys Win. I repeat boys WIN!

I realize there is this whole battle of the sexes thing. And boys can NOT give up their grossness title... but do you guys REALLY need to battle this out in my lobby bathroom? Can't you just agree the boys win and go on useing the toilets like normal people? I would be thankful.

Much Love, Hai

ewww, work

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