I hate five day work weeks. I hate work in general. Unless it's something cool that I enjoy doing that doesn't require massive frustration when shit goes so very wrong. Why me? I seriously need a new job.
Well, I was having this ridiculous conversation with my sister about why I watch Supernatural. I laughed. I asked if she’s seen Jensen and Jared. HELLO? The show could outright suck and they could be the worst actors in the world but all that pretty, I could just leave the tv on mute and enjoy it for the aesthetics. But since it doesn’t outright suck and they’re not the worst actors (hell they’re pretty damn good) I get to watch it for more than just the pretty. Yay me.
But seriously. The ep "Hollywood Babylon", okay, you did need to know some aspects of the industry to get some of the jokes. But I still enjoyed the episode. I pretty much enjoy all the episodes. I don’t analyze them. Can’t. It just hurts my head to. I mean, shows like Carnivale and Farscape, even BSG I’ll analyze, but Supernatural, nope. I know there are deeply profound subjects running amuck through the show; good and evil, selflessness, duty, honor, etc. I know all of this and I’m perfectly happy just watching the show without thinking too much after.
I do think about the show. I was mentioning to my sister the part in "Folsom Prison Blues" where the nurse is standing across the room staring at Dean while he’s talking to Tiny. I said that part just freaked me out. At work, there is this guy that just stares at me all the time. I will be doing my job and happen to look up and bam! Most of the time I can feel the stare but sometimes I won’t and it will scare the shit out of me when I catch it. *shivers* So that scene, it just rubbed me in a bad way. Well, that and the fact the damn nurse was trying to give Dean another heart attack. Grr.
I once heard in an episode of Law & Order: CI a character say something about people who’ve never been stalked don’t seem to have a problem being the object of someone’s obsession. How is that ever fun? Being watched all the time? Feeling self conscience because eyes are always looking your way even when you go out of your way to hide? That’s fun? Confuses me to no end.
So, about SPN ep 2.20 What is and What Should Never Be. I really enjoyed this episode. I adore Sam. I do. He can be a whiny bitch sometimes (I read that Jared thinks so too on occasion-I *heart* him) but I still love the guy. But I’m a Dean girl. I can’t help it.
Jensen was amazing in this episode. The dorky guy who is so excited mowing the lawn, the kid savoring a sandwich made by a mother he never got to have, the adult who sees how wrong being estranged from Sam is; he’s so good. And Jared, man, playing the majority of the show flinching and backing away every time Dean/Jensen reached out was incredible. The two have such a great relationship together that it was very intriguing to see Sam not trust Dean, to not understand the brotherly gestures because in that reality, they were not close and there wasn’t really anything big to bring them together. At least until the end.
See, nothing profound. I love to read others analysis but don’t usually give my own. At one time, I would read views and they would change my view. I hate that. I hate that I would enjoy something and then it would feel like I was wrong for enjoying it because so many others found faults. But I’ve moved on from that. I take the show(s) for what they are-to me-and find happiness in that. Besides, my head is already full of like, a million thoughts. I’d hate to add to it by thinking too deeply about any more shows. My head just might explode.
So, to all those who review, discuss, analyze the shows I watch, I say rock on. I’ve come to love the differing of opinions and hope to continue to read more.
Can't wait for tonight's episode of SPN. Although I'm weary. I read spoilers, and know what's coming. Plus I'm hesitant because I just love this show and don't want to have to deal with a long summer of no Winchester boys.
Lastly, I feel very proud of myself. I've been working on a story for FS for over two years now. Finally got the next part written and after a quick read through, it will be ready to post. Yay me!