I am a tea freak. I love teas, all different kinds, and I also love coffee, but can't have much due to the acidity. I also find tea to be much healthier, calming, and quite delicious in comparison.
So, here's the problem. I REALLY want this guy's tea. REALLY. But in order to get his delicious coffee inspired teas (caramel, dark chocolate, vanilla...), he HAS to meet his goal of $35k. With only a few hours left, he is SO close to that goal, and those teas tempting me more and more, I fear his goal won't be met and I, and all his current backers, will be left without something truly unique.
All I ask is this: Think of us crazy tea people, me, your friends, your family, and SHARE with them the link. Everyone who backs with at least $25 gets one of his teas, $50 all three, and so on. With enough people that will add up quickly and he'll meet his goal, and I among the many other backers will be overjoyed.
I don't normally call out for help on Kickstarter projects, for whatever reason I don't like to feel pushy or annoying. But this project is calling me, and I think two days of minor spamming is worth the possibility of getting really great, healthy, unique tea.
Please help us crazy tea people, you're our only hope! <3