I burnt myself at work today ;_; The back of my left hand now sports two red burn marks.
After a week of organising and planning... We are finally going to see Tim Burton's Alice in Wonderland tomorrow. According to the mX, it doesn't live up to the expectations but whatever, we're gonna see it anyway. Okay so it's not going to be at IMAX like we originally wanted but hey, we were actually able to get all 13 of us in the same session sitting all together. In my opinion, that's pretty okay. =D I should probably just bring some clothes to change into after work...
Yes I realise it's kinda old news now but... I finally went and saw Avatar. While everyone was fussing over it and raving on about how good it was, I was doing everything BUT going to see it. However, now I can officially say. It is damn worth all the fuss and the raves. What I really loved about it were the creatures.
Yeah I know they're computer generated but God, they were beautiful.