And For The First Time, I Feel Less Alone [2/?]

Dec 17, 2010 00:19

Author: ahintofelation
Rating: NC-17 overall
Pairing: Jack Barakat/Alex Gaskarth (Jalex)
Summary: Jack and Alex have only been together for about 2 years but they feel like adopting Nate is possibly the best thing to have ever happened to them but the problems along the way aren't...but they know they have each other, don't they?
Disclaimer: I do not own the boys, would I really be doing this if I did? I do not own any other characters. Also the title goes to The Maine's, We'll All Be.
A/N: Sorry I've taken a while but I hope you enjoy it! I've got a lot of ideas for this fic!

Prequel - I Don't Mean To Be A Bother But Have You Seen This Guy?

Previous chapter


The weekend was quite hectic for us all. We had to sign Nate up for a different school, buy him some new clothes and school necessities.

It was monday morning and I was the first to wake up at 5:45am with my alarm clock. I slammed it off and turned around to see Jack lying flat on his stomach, his arm draped around my waist and his mouth hanging open and he breathed softly. I smiled at how dumb yet cute he looked. Jack always looked cute.

I smiled and moved closer to him, now shaking him slightly.

"Jack" I cooed. He continued to breathe heavily in his slumber.

"Jack" I repeated and again he didn't respond.

"Jack" I said sternly, shoving him. His eyes flew open and he gripped my waist tightly. Once he saw me, he relaxed.

"S'too early" He whined, digging his face back into the pillow.

"Come on, we need to get up" I told now throwing the duvet off us. He shook his and moaned. I chuckled and now moved over to straddle his back.

"Get up" I ordered, slapping his back softly.

"No" He muttered. I rolled my eyes and leaned down to nibble his ear.

"Get the fuck up" I whined, still tugging his ear with my teeth and running my hands down his sides.

He groaned and now turned beneath me, almost throwing me off but he kept a good hold on my hips. I rested my hands on his chest.

"You gonna get up?" I teased. He shrugged with a smrik.

"Not until I get my good morning kiss" He mumbled. I rolled my eyes.

"You're ridiculous" I mumbled before leaning down to press a kiss to his lips. I twisted my fingers in his hair as his clamped harder round my hip bones.

Our tongues danced around eachother lazily and our teeth clashed a couple of times but it was the morning and we were both tired.

"Now get up" I said simply. He rolled his hips upwards and I felt something hard grind against my thigh. I gasped and he smirked.

"You horny fuck" I told him. He chuckled lightly and shrugged.

"Shouldn't have kissed me then" He teased. My mouth hung open in shock.

"But you said you wanted a good morning kiss!" I exclaimed, my voice husky. He laughed loudly.

"Calm down, I'm just messing with you" He said. I pouted and he now sat up to press a kiss to my pout.

"You know I love you" He told me. I tried not to smile.

"You better" I threatened, now hopping off him as he chuckled.

"I'm gonna go wake up Nate, you better be out of bed before I get back" I announced. Jack nodded and threw his leg over the side of the bed and turned his body quickly. A sense of discomfort covered his face and he shut his eyes forcefully. I laughed.

"Oh god, I love you" I told him and he smiled slightly.

I walked out of the room, ruffling my hair and now standing outside Nate's door.

I opened the foor slowly and searched for him in the morning darkness. He was curled up against the wall beside is bed, wrapped up in his duvet. I smiled and walked over and sat on the edge of his bed and shook him from his waist.

"Wake up" I whispered. I got no response.

"Wake up" I sang a little louder now. He stirred and yawned.

"You awake?" I asked. I heard him sigh as his arms now came out from beneath the duvet.

"Mhmm" He murmured. I smiled and he continued to lay in his bed, restlessly. I watched him contently till I forgot that he needed to get ready for school.

"You planning on getting up?" I teased. He groaned.

"Do I have to?" He whined. I rolled my eyes.

"You're just like Jack. Get up!" I exclaimed. I settled my hands on his sides and began to tickle him. He yelped and laughed.

"STOP!" He screamed. I laughed and continued to tickle him and shoving away the hands he pushed against my chest.

Suddenly I heard the door slam open and Jack appeared with a grin on his face. He charged towards us and jumped on me, to stop me from tickling Nate.

"Escape whilst you can! I've got the bad guy under control" He yelled. Nate laughed loudly and jumped out of his bed, heading downstairs. I looked up to see Jack still straddling me.

"You are such a dork" I told him. He shrugged.

"Not gonna disagree. You love it though" He answered playfully. I rested a hand at the back of his and twisted his hair between my fingers.

"Mmm, I really do" I admitted now pulling him down for a peck. He then jumped off me and held out his hand. I took it and heard our rings clash against eachother. It never failed to make my heart flutter.

We got downstairs to see Nate had a pancake mix out and he was looking through the utensils. He held up one of Mickey Mouse with a confused expression.

"Matt" We both said at the same time and chuckled. Nate nodded in understandement, he knew all about Flyzik's Mickey obsession.

"Can I make breakfast this morning?" Nate asked nervously. I scoffed.

"Can you...?! Better be good kid!" I teased. He smiled as I pressed a kiss to his forehead. He grinned as he began to get stuff together.

"I'm gonna prepare Nate's stuff" I told Jack. He nodded.

"I'm gonna go get ready, gotta be in work early today" He informed me.

I headed upstairs to Nate's room and made his bed. I put socks in the laundry basket and put his Jimmy Eat World shirt, black hoodie and skinny jeans on his bed. I also put out new socks and underwear. I left an extra 5 dollars on his desk and then left the room.

When I shut the door behind me, Jack was coming out of our room. He was buttoning up his deep red shirt which was tucked nicely into his black skinny jeans. He had done his hair and shaved. He looked finer than usual.

"How did I score you?" I questioned teasingly. He looked up, brow furrowed. I walked closer and then pulled him close by the loops of his jeans, slamming our hips together. I run my nose by his neck, smelling an unfamiliar smell.

"Mmm, you smell different babe" I mumbled into his neck, before pressing a kiss to it.

"New aftershave, I got it last week, only a teaster bottle though" He told me.

"Mmm" I hummed.

"You're taking Nate to school right?" Jack asked. I nodded.

"Who else will? I gotta speak with the principal anyways" I told him.

"Mm, true, well I gotta get going babe" He complained. I groaned.

"No..." I whined like a child. I felt him chuckle. I lifted my head and allowed him to press a kiss to my pout which then turned into a smile. I returned the kiss, a little more with tongue though.

"As much as I'd love to continue to makeout and possibly turns this into sex. I really gotta go" Jack stated. I nodded and then pressed a final kiss to his lips.

"Alright, don't work too hard. I'll probably call you" I told him as if he didn't know. He grinned.

"When do you not" He teased as he walked away. I slapped his ass.

"Have a good day, love you!" I yelled.

"Love you too!" He yelled back, making me smile.

I heard him walk downstairs and grab his stuff.

"Bye kid!" I heard Jack exclaim happily before leaving the house.

"Dad!" I heard Nate yell. I grinned largely and my stomach churned, being called Dad was just about the best thing.

I went downstairs quickly to see Nate putting down a plate on the table.

"Dad?" I questioned. He smiled and nodded. I ran over to him and lifted him in my arms.

"Love you kid, this breakfast looks good" I admitted. He grinned.

"Thanks" He said shyly.

"Well you go get ready whilst I eat alright?" I suggested. He nodded and now ran upstairs. I looked at the kitchen around me and smiled "Dad" I thought. I  was no grinning as I cut my Mickey Mouse pancake.

"You ready?" I shouted up the stairs once I had gotten changed into a simple plaid shirt and grey jeans. I also pulled on my grey beanie.

"Yeah! Wait a sec!" Nate yelled. I messed with my fringe and then heard Nate come down the stairs. His blonde hair sweeping by his ears and his crystal blue eyes which were nervous. I squatted to get sort of to his height.

"You okay, Nate?" I questioned worriedly. He bit his lip.

"What if they don't like me again, dad?" He whispered. I held both of his hands and looked up at him.

"Look, it's a new start Nate. Just be yourself and don't hide away. I'm sure they'll love you" I assured him now pressing a kiss to his forehead. He nodded with a soft smile.

"I hope so" Nate replied. I now stood back up and let go of one of his hands only and I felt him smooth his finger over my ring.

"Does Jack wear his ring too?" Nate asked. I smiled largely.

"Yes...always" I replied happily.

Once we got to the school, we knocked lightly on the principal's door. The door now opened.

"Mr Gaskarth and Nate, come in" He said politely. I stepped back and allowed Nate to go in first and then I followed.

"Please do take a seat" He offered. We now sat infront of him.

"So Nate Barakat-Gaskarth?" He questioned. Nate nodded contently.

I felt sorry for him, he had such a horrible surname. I told him to keep Barakat but he insteaded on having Gaskarth too even though it sounded incredibly british and posh. I only kept my surname even though we got married because I atleast wanted the name to carry on in respect of my grandparents who I miss.

"Mr Gaskarth and Mr...Oh sorry my secetary must have got that wrong...Mrs Bara-" I cut him off.

"No, she got it right. It's Mr. Sorry my husband couldn't be here, his boss wanted him in early" I told him firmly. He nodded.

"Oh right, my apologies. It's just we've never had this before. Please don't be offended" He apologized sincerely. I chuckled lightly.

"It's alright. As long as it's no problem" I questioned. He shook his head violently.

"It's fine by me and the rest of the staff here" He assured me. I smiled and reached for Nate's hand and squeezed it.

"Okay, I've got Nate's timetable and books ready for him. All you need to do is take this brochure to make sure you're happy with leaving Nate here" He told me now handing over the brochure I took.

"That's all?" I asked. He nodded.

"Other than, Welcome to Towson High, Nate" He said now standing up. Nate and I now rose and I shook the principal's hand. We now went to leave.

"Thank you" I said as we walked out.

"You're welcome! Have a good day Mr Gaskarth" He chirped.

"You too" I replied simply.

The door now shut behind us. I lifted Nate in my arms.

"Yes! We found a good one!" I exclaimed. Nate grinned.

"I know! Oh, the bells gonna go now" Nate informed me, looking at his timetable. I leant down and pressed a kiss to his forehead.

"Have a good day kiddo, I'll pick you up later" I told him. He nodded and now turned to walk off. I watched him go with a huge smile on my face.

Work was boring today. There weren't any customers at all or even window shoppers. I span around in my chair and listened to some John Mayer, hoping someone would walk in any time now. Suddenly the phone rang and I picked it up immediately.

"Hello, Ed Guitars, how may I help you?" I rushed out.

"Hey Alex, how's it going?" Ed's voice now came though. I relaxed.

"Shit. No one's come in at all" I told him honestly. He chuckled.

"Ah, slow day then? Close up early for lunch if you want" He suggested. I smiled.

"Really?" I questioned contently.

"Yeah go!" He assured me and then hang up. I grinned and grabbed my stuff quickly now running out and flipping the 'open' sign to 'closed' before I locked the door.

I walked through the buzzing bodies and loud voices. Important workers shouting over their phones to their assisants, casual people laughing as they chat with someone they haven't seen in a long while and the occasional scowl from a mother to her disobedient child.

I passed through the familiar streets, stuffing my hands in my pocket after fixing up my beanie to keep my head warmer. It was cold out.

I came to the end of the street and saw an unfamiliar window. The interior was clear white and jet black with mirror's covering the walls. A woman stood behind a young lady, cutting the tips of her long brown hair. I could see my reflection in the mirror and tugged at the visible bits of my hair. I was pretty bored of it and I now saw the hairdresser turn to me with a questioning look. I entered the hair salon,

"Hello may I help you?" The platinum blonde at the counter asked.

"Hi erm are you a unisex salon?" I asked carefully. She nodded.

"We are indeed sir. Do you want to make an appointement?" She asked,  I smiled and nodded.

"When's the closest opening?" I asked. Her eyes raked the book infront of her.

"Hmm....right now" She told me with a sweet tone.

"I'll take it" I replied happily. She grinned and now showed me over to the seats.

"We'll need to take this off" She said, tugging off my beanie as I rested into the chair. She run her hand through my hair.

"You have lovely hair for being a guy you know?" She complimented.

"Thanks" I replied quietly. She began to wash my hair slowly.

After she washed it she began to shuffle her hands through it.

"So, what do you want to do?" She asked. I shrugged.

"I want it a little shorter, not too much though" I told her. She nodded and took bits of my hair between her elegant fingers.

"And...dye it" I suggested. She raised her eyebrow.

"...What colour?" She asked. I shrugged again.

"Whatever colour" I told her.

"Wont your girlfriend get angry?" She questioned flirtatiously.

"Nah, my boyfriend will love whatever I do" I replied smugly. She now rolled her eyes in dissapointment and began on my hair.

jalex alex gaskarth jack barakat

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