my schedule for Uni

Sep 27, 2012 23:36

I finally figured out how to make the schedule for Uni!

that was quite a hassle I can tell you and I just accidentally found out tbh

now my schedule looks like this

Modern Japanese I all days of the week, Wednesdays with Grammar and Translation, Fridays for Kanjis (ohgodsomeonehelp)

Wednesday also Japanese History I with tutorial, Thursdays East Asia in World History I, also with tutorial.

And Tuesdays also my minor subject Economics

well fuck, Mondays and Fridays until 1pm, Tuesdays and Wednesdays until 4pm and Thursdays till 6pm AND DON'T FORGET THE ONE HOUR TO GET HOME.

but I'm nonetheless looking forward to it sdfghl

japanology, schedule, university

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