(no subject)

Jul 11, 2006 00:24

Collin tragically decided not to start last night, and stayed asleep until about 10 minutes ago tonight. And only turned on because I took my mother's (probably joke) suggestion to put him in the fridge. I was quite relieved that he turned on before any of my roommates came into the kitchen. As a result of Collin's misbehavior, I'm only now getting to listen to a CD I bought yesterday at el Rastro. It's an amazing CD, by a singer who is considered THE most important flamenco singer practically ever, Camaron de la Isla. He's basically the Curt Cobain of flamenco...he revived a dying art form with his passion and rawness, supposedly. He even has the He's not dead! thing going for him. I'm really enjoying the CD, and am quite surprised by how...accessible it is. I'm not really sure what adjective I'm looking for there, but I'm finding it less raw than I expected. I'm not sure if that's a good thing or not. A lot of people don't really like flamenco singing because it's not as melodic as they're used to. I personally love the emotions in it and the rhythms and actually love the singing (though I don't listen to it that often). I'm so happy that I'm somewhere where I can get such an amazing CD for so cheep at a flea market! Wonderful!

Less wonderful, my rash hasn't gone away. I went to the pharmacy, though, and they gave me allergy cream. But I itch SO MUCH!

Heading back to the wonderful side of things, I went back to my dance classes today (after complaining to my mom on the phone that I didn't want to go back, not even a little bit), and it was soooo much better. It makes such a huge difference to start learning something from the beginning rather than trying to jump in the last week of a choreography. Wonderful!

Earlier today, and last night, I was feeling really depressed about my time here. Like, I'm wasting it away, and haven't done anything I'm supposed to do here. My Spanish, for example, is really not progressing very much. At all. Now that I had a good dance class, and have allergy cream, I'm contemplating ways that I can continue with Spanish even after I get back and have no time for classes. There are many ways that I have thought of already. The problem is if I actually would follow through with it. I'm not sure that I have the self discipline to do it. It still doesn't mean that I'm making the most of my time here, but it's reassuring. crazykawaii seems to have come to the same conclusion about the wasting of time, and sat down tonight to make up a calender of when we were going to do the things on our "to do" list. It's very exciting and posted on our wall, along with the ads for language exchanges, my Krishna, her post cards, and the two page spread of Sunday's World Cup madness (seriously, who head butts people?).

OMG, Camaron is so versatile! Like, pop sounding songs and miner's songs! That's so rare! Beautiful!

flamenco, technology is evil, collin, music, dance, madrid, spain

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