Oct 09, 2007 22:47
There isn't an artist out there that doesn't want praise
It's a fact - we all want to be reconized.
But there are things that need to be remembered my dears
Commit them to memory.. these are my beliefs
1. rebuild your life from the ground up.
2. live and learn, tear down and build anew
3. look - at the world around you.
4. remember - time is a fluid and abstract creation
5 just let go, a classic example is the end of the movie Fight Club. after you've let everything else slip away, stick that gun deep down your throat and pull the trigger. don't run, just accept.
6. hang on to something, we all influence the world from the moment we are put into this reality. it is our decision to decide how we carry ourselves and attempt to effect the world around us. therefore, it is in the interest of self-preservation that we find something that makes us "happy" and hang on to it.
7. this reality is impossible to escape, therefore completely disregarding it is an impossibility. however, it is our choice as to what we regard and disregard. therefore attempting to break away from the reality which is our world, can do nothing except but interfere with the afore mentioned advice.
8. be true to yourself.
9. don't think the world revolves around you, don't get so caught up in yourself. you are not all that matters, there are problems that belong to everyone else.
10. know that sometimes the small stuff hurts more than anything, yet one small act of kindness can make someone's heart sing.
11. never give up.
12. wear your heart on your sleeve orelse you'll be emotionally cold.
13. believe in yourself.
14. the world never stops, especially not for us but let's try our best to appreciate today.
15. keep an open mind.
16. people will believe what they want. try not to be too offended
17. don't worry about things you cannot change.
sometimes we could all use some advice. for those who look for inspirational practical words of wisdom those are some of my favorites. i'll add more once they come to mind.. but for now, i'd like to hear any advice you'd have to offer.
thanks (L)