Right, so much has happened recently, I don't know where to start!
Firstly, I am still sick- my lungs are not responding to the steroids like they should, so I have been given an inhalor for the time being & am scheduled for a full lung test on the 13th... hopefully that whole hoo-ha will sort these babies out! I wish sometimes you could pull your lungs out, wash 'em clean again & then pop 'em back in after drying them on the radiator for a while. *sigh*
Secondly, holy crap how quickly is New Years coming? I cannot believe that nearly a whole year has passed already! It seems so short ago that I was in the States visiting my sister in L.A. I hate New Years, I hate how you are supposed to reflect on the person you have become, & how it makes everyone panic & make themselves promise things that they'll torture themselves about not doing after the glow of New Years is gone. POO on New Years! I want to lock myself in a room with no clocks, my best friends & some happy liquids (& punch & pie). THAT would be the ideal New Years for me.
Thirdly, I am too lazy to go into thirdl-ies...
I love my new lava lamp:
& you know, for alittle diversity here it is in color! lol
My fav:
1. When you looked at yourself in the mirror today, what was your first thought?
Dear God, I have a white-girl 'fro!
2. When's the next time you will have sex?
My my that got personal fast!
3. What's a word that rhymes with "DUCK"?
4. Favorite planet?
Pluto- because it's not even allowed to be a planet anymore, how unfair is that?
5. Who is the 4th person on your missed call list?
6. What is your favorite ring on your phone?
it WAS Justin- Sexyback & The Beach Boys- Wouldn't it be nice...but those got deleted T_T
7. What shirt are you wearing?
A sweater, actually
8. What were you doing 20 minutes ago?
Thinking about the work I need to be doing
9. Name the brand of shoes you're currently wearing?
H&M duve boots
10. You're in a bright or Dark Room?
11. What do you think about the person who posted this survey
He's pretty cool
12. If you're in a room with two beds, which one do you sleep on?
The bigger one, obviously.
13. What were you doing at exactly midnight last night?
Finishing my latest artistic endeavor (a mobile of floppy disks covered in comics & wire--don't ask)
14. What was your last text message you received on your mob?
Helen, warning me not to go into uni today
15. How do you like your eggs?
Unfertilized. *knee slap*
16. What's a word/phrase that you say a lot?
... um, I don't know. It depends on my mood.
17. Who told you he/she loved you last?
My parents & boyfriend... or was it Helen? I get a lot of love
18. Last furry thing you touched?
Myself. HAH *kneeslap again* um, no. my stuffed Cheshire Cat
19. How many Drugs have you done in the last three days?
Lol none of the fun ones- but antibiotics, steriods, decongestants & an inhalor... I am HEALTH personified.
20. How many rolls of film do you need to get developed?
I work digitally, sucka
21. Favorite age you have been so far?
22. Your worst enemy?
Celine Dion, obviously.
23. What wallpaper do you have on your desktop
something from www.woostercollective.com
24. What was the last thing you said to someone?
"Right, yeah I need to work, too"
25. If you had to choose between a million bucks or to be able to fly?
This is hard... Flying would be pretty cool, & I could charge people to view my skills.
26. Do you like someone?
I like a lot of people. *pause* Oh you mean "like LIKE" ... I got confused, what with not being 13 anymore!
27. The last song you listened to?
Bjorks 'Post' album...
28. If the last person you talked to was getting shot, what would you do?
Wtfmate? I would whip out my gat & start firing back! Represent!
29. If you could punch 1 person in the face, who would it be?
I'll get back to you on this one.
30. What is the closest object to your left foot?
My CD case... unloved & discarded on my floor along with my New Years resolutions & morals.