soap boxes without suds

Jun 02, 2008 21:21

 When I was a fresh-faced young mother with a brand new baby and I would have $5 at the end of week leftover from my husband's paycheck, and had to make a decision about spending it on diapers or food I felt LESS TRAPPED THEN, then I do right now....

I am pissed off.

About gas.  About having to schedule my life around my gas tank.  About wages not going up the 4-10 cents per day that gas seems to.  About no quick fixes and years to recover, if we even find a way to do it.  About not being able to sell my home and move in a timely fashion, even if I had to.  About $6 boxes of cereal and these righteous surburban mothers who think the original Starbucks logo is somehow offensive because it MIGHT suggest a woman has BREASTS.

Oh yeah.  And, hoping I won't have to pack a (GASP) second bag to be checked and charged for at the airport.

In the meantime, let's all rush to help that 15 yr. old who just gave birth in our American hospital from El Salvador.  Seems the good old state of California is more then happy to pick up that tab.  And, seems her parents, and the father of the baby, shipped her over to establish their newest family member as an American citizen to pave the way for Pops.  Oh and the best part?  Yes, she and her "friend" were upset because we wouldn't give them a supply of free formula to take home.  Of which we pay a in-house translator to tell us....

Of which I said....

"Breastfeed.  It's free."

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