Kinda frivolus but oh well...

Jun 20, 2007 01:04

So I'm going to the true colors tour this weekend and decided I should decide how I feel about Rosie O'Donall before I go... Just becasue she seems to be such an "important" issue.

So i was reading her wikipedia page and looking at all of her controversies... and NONE of them are really all that important. Even the people who i would have thought would like her dislike her becaue of how the media has pertryed her... I checked other sight just to have extra info and all it seems like are people reacting to her unrefined tv personality. She says what she means and genuilly cares about most people. Yes, i agree she is harsh on some and might overreact to other issues such as her argument on the view. But she is acting with the good of the many and for the prosperity of those that can't stand for themselves. I support her evenmore now then before... alright so this was my first and LAST pop culture post.

thank you!
ian marcus holt!
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