Jul 30, 2007 11:07
so im in love.. i really am
i love him so much but all i have been doing lately is treating him like crap and i dont know why..
i keep getting mad about the stupidest things.. im not being myself and its scaring me
if anyone knew how i was last year you would not want that side of me to ever come back
but i feel like it is, the other night i got so mad at him for his poker night..
thats not the kind of girlfriend i am, or want to be
i dont even know why i was mad and i didnt care that when i was yelling at him
it hurt his feelings, im going to push him away if i keep this up
and i dont want that at all.. i really thought that the reason i acted the way i did last year
was because of drugs and drinking
i hardly ever smoke anymore, and ive been drinking quite a bit since my birthday...
but i just turned 21 its not aproblem or anything..
i dunno i really need to snap out of it before i lose him...