Chivu does GQ

Dec 05, 2008 11:00

We'll have large-ish scans soon enough, but these will have to do for now:

Translated by Google, bear with me:

Always talk with the impression Romanian players, because, on average, have an amazing Italian vocabulary.

Cristian Chivu, between Rome and Milan, is here for five years, but enough for him to emerge from Dribble joint and conditional: "Why the Romanian language is a neo-Latin and there are many words that resemble those of Italy, about two thousand. And then we study the Latin in school. " And we should study it in school, but is not aware that many maneggino Romanian. "Be ', in fact, your language is easier. Popescu has played six months with Lecce and speaks well."

Twenty-eight years, a beautiful wife (Adelina, a graduate in journalism, anchorwoman in Romania) and a baby coming, Cristian is a antipersonaggio. Indeed, would be, but a long fast and loose between Roma and Inter sfortunatissima and a chain of accidents have given the titles in newspapers, in numbers unusual for a defender. GQ has also discovered that a face unfit for who does not love the spotlight.

Cristian, six in front on the first issue of GQ Romania. Just to make a comparison, the first GQ Italy were Sting and Madonna
(Laughs) You see that we have preferred a cover ... autochthonous. I was lucky. I believe that in football today the picture is also important and should be able to exploit.

One way to capitalize on the moment and look after the football?
Not only. It is also to offer to the public and let you know what you're out of the field. But that does not happen often: This is my first,
exit on a true Italian magazine.

Which is normal for your fellow attackers. Jealousy?
Never. Those are goals that are more interesting, is normal. My philosophy is that there is room for everyone in this world. Not just in football, in life. Certainly, it would not be bad if it serves to download them on the pressure: if the attacker is wrong ten times and the ninetieth marks, is a hero. If a defender makes a perfect game and then misses the ninetieth, the massacre.

About heroes, who was your childhood?
Everyone looks in your garden, and my idol was Gheorghe Hagi. Great player and great person. I crowned a dream to play in national and we became friends.

Bel personaggino.
One with the balls. In the field was devoured by the desire to win, but outside is a piece of bread. The real champions are so often enter in the field and Dr Jeckyll becomes Mr. Hide.

You have known others, mister Hide?
Many. One out: Francesco Totti. In the field is really bad in a Romania - Italy I broke my nose. But then I met in Rome and I discovered what is quiet, even shy.

Ibrahimovic came all'Ajax when you were already there.
For two years.

I confirm that the legend, turning to the old locker room, appeared: "I am Zlatan, and who the hell are you?". From which Van der
Vaart if the marked forever ...
No one has ever said. The only old and Winter were Witschge. Van der Vaart is younger than Ibra two years. Zlatan arrived in Malmoe, a major leap, but we'll see this risk? Trust me, Ibra is a boy for good.

Inter your flight was long.
It started even before Rome. I had to get here directly dall'Ajax.

But who you really wanted was Mancini. You did not time to cross, that he, mettiamola so, they left.
Ah, but it is a custom: the coaches that I want, lasting up to one year! It happened in Romania, all'Universitatea Krakow, where the coach that I wanted at all costs they left after three months. It happened with Jan Wouters all'Ajax with Capello at Roma and then with Mancio.

We do not say this kid?
But no, both the Inter is my last team.

And we are with Mourinho. Differences with Mancini?
Never seen a coach preparing for the game so equal to another. Comparisons impossible, especially between those two, who in their short careers have won so much.

There are, however, comparisons between Presidents. You will have had two particular: Sensi and Moratti.
Oh, what looked like, for passion and love for the team. Unfortunately, the President Sensi the last time you saw little, so hard to get off in the changing rooms. But his presence felt and, when there was need him there. The president Moratti? Be ', as we all know that is unique. But its unique in the world. Where you find another who does what makes him to Inter?.

Another comparison, the one between Rome and Milan, two cities separated by a campanilismo town.
Apart from the climate, which I thought was also worse in Milan is a different lives in Rome, that a player is not at all easy. Meanwhile, there are the sports radio and is a difference not just. Then you can go out to dinner without the fans you rimproverino the mistakes of Sunday.

Ah, you are not asking for the autograph?
But it should be ', a nuisance who can give a picture or an autograph? I remember my first year I invited a group of Dutch friends and we were going to the restaurant, crossed when a group of teens and those behind me shout: "Go home and rest that there is the derby." They were not even eight o'clock in the evening, but was especially Tuesday and derby is played on Sundays!

What can not you like, more generally, of our country?
I have to find a flaw?

I know touches you.
Then, the label will stick on him.

I did an experiment: I typed on Google News the word "Romanian". Outputs are two pages of news black.
Bravo, but there is also some other news relation, no? You may think that Romanians are just criminals? It's easy to catalog an entire people because of some bad apple, which is everywhere. When something goes wrong and there is half a Romanian, the title is just for him. A few days ago, a girl in Rome was saved by my fellow because there is the news?

Romanian is often synonymous with Roma.
It is said that not wanting to integrate. No, we are not that we wanted to integrate them. We put them on the margins, even physical, of the city. Mica is not required to accept a community, he could say now: you are not here, go away. Instead were convenient to those who spent the morning with the van to find unskilled workers in black.

There is racism in Italy?
Let us stop hiding. And there is so much.

You subisci?
In all stadiums, I shout: "Gypsy, go to the mason." Everything. I think that would bother? There Palazzone behind where I grew up there were so many Roma children. I have always found very well with them, "Gypsy" for me is not an offense.

It received many?
The worst was the time when there was talk of my transfer Inter. We made a workout to open doors to Flaminio, in front of 25 thousand people. I massacred the insults. Who knows why, when you fischiano opponents, not hear them, but when your stadium to boo, hear them all. From first to last. The one that struck me, however, was that of my fellow who, in Romanian, I shouted: "I am ashamed to be Romanian."

Do you have a recipe intolerance?
It takes time. There are some signs: the election of Obama and also the victory of Hamilton in F1. But it is a long process that involves everyone. In the Netherlands have the Moroccans, Tunisians in France. You have to have the courage to say that racism exists, otherwise you can not fight.

And your future? You're already planning?
The only certainty is that I will not coach. I had the example of my father, who arrived in the Romanian league: speaks, he replied you, but you saw that he thought the problems of the team.

So, you are a child of art.
Yes, but on the contrary. It was the "second" at CSM Resita where I started. And I knew that he was not that I wanted to play. I protected, but I suffered. In the end, the first coach has been imposed and I debuted in Serie A

Mircea father is no more. As you missing?
Just so. It's not that I was 17 years. The day after I scored the first goal in Serie A and a week later I was summoned into national law. In 18 years I was in Holland. I grew up very quickly. For a few days dad has been lost everything, but I am convinced that somewhere else has seen and has leaped.

[GQ, n.111, December 2008 by GQ, n.111, December 2008]

LOL @ his description of Totti ♥


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