Congratulations to Azzurrini again for kicking serious ass in Toulon final.
And Kudos for Chile for showing up and giving us a very entertaining game,
despite marshy pitch condition
but i'm not gonna complain about players being WET & DIRTY XD
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1)Thank you, thank you! *dies first, then goes to try to make a smirking icon*
3)I remember this moment SO WELL -- how much does he look like a puppy, itching behind his ear?
4)*shakes head in awe* God, look at him. How is he actually perfect in the pouring rain?
5)Notice the panic stricken Chilean baby. Obviously he didn't know how to handle hot shit like this XD Hahhahaaaa! So true.
6)Ah, Bocchetti. I wonder if he and Osvi knew one another from other camps, or if they just fell in love this week. *grin*
7)He did! He did lose his headband! Such a brief period or hair freedom, but it was amazing.
8)Did you see the Azzurri yesterday? Camo's cut off his ponytail and has his hair EXACTLY like Osvi now. I kid you not.
9)Jara was incredible, and I agree on Orellana, holy cow. They have so much skill, I can't wait to see them @ The Olympics, I bet they'll shock the hell out of some people.
10)LOL @ Casiraghi's face. So.
(Let's just pray Olympics will come in .avi format. That way I can use super slow-mo function in VLC and get much better pic
1.) Bocchetti is so freaking cute and looks super confident. I hope Casiraghi will keep calling him up for U-21 qualification games ;)
2.) I guess we need to stalk Lazio preseason camp. Do they have players train in the pool like Roma? Can Roma invite LDS for BBQ by the pool party? XD
3.) LOL puppy!seba. so true. so true. (how about this ROFFLES ( ... )
1)Oh, that will make me so happy. Hopefully this tournament will have moved him to the top of the U-21 CB list. (Also, his PK was cold-blooded. That's a nice skill to have around, right?)
2)HHAhhahahahahaaa! Best. Idea. EVER. Hell, Roma don't even need to be there, just like LDS use the pool. PLEASE.
3)Heee. His pointy little canines! SUCH a puppy.
4)*snort* Perfect!
5)*goes to write a letter*
6)&hearts &hearts &hearts Thank god for the babies!
8)It's nice that Camo is inspired by his fellow Argie. :P
9)Oh HELL. Seriously?! Dammit, Christian Miles shows he can speak a few languages, and I forget he doesn't actually know anything. *sigh*
(Format is up to person who u/l it. The first 2 toulon games come in as .NSV, which I can use a software to convert it .AVI beautifully. But when I tried to convert .WMV it becomes so glitchy. I guess I'll have another 2 months to experiment file converter :P
1.) The fact that he started over Marzoratti is already a good indication. and Marzoratti started most games in U-21 Qua. (but lately overshadowed by Santacroce)
2.) LOL How about Palermo!? So we can see LDS in black speedo nghhhhhhhhh
3.) The funnier thing is Seba went out on a limb getting himself a tattoo and tried to look gangstah. He should just accepted he is adorable & cuddlin'
9.) LMFAO and CM kept mentioning about Chile in Olympics WTF!?
11.) Thanks!
3)*shakes head* I'm sure he'll be in love with that decision once he turns about 60, and his grandkids are all "What's that saggy things, grandpa?" "Oh, I was just trying to look hard. It made sense @ the time."
9)I will NEVER LISTEN TO HIM AGAIN. No matter how much more translate things. DAMMIT.
3.) Bwahahahaaaaa so true. so true.
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