Random photos of the purple hotties of Fiorentina beginning with Martha's boo.
Look, it's Ginger in his blonder days.
Pubes with fanboy
Here, have some pretty Adi
Seb in his ride
And why the hell is he wearing a Spanish NT kit?
Frey and his iPod?
Bobo before the hair debacle
Seb and fangirls
Krol the Conqueror
It's actually Kroldrup, but I like Krol better.
Lupoli. Yes, he lives.
Monty's boo
Princess Pazzo
Check out his Vanilla Ice eyebrows.
Ujfi ♥
Ufo in girls' clothing
He shops at H&M-Ladies.
Pasqual, not with his bb
And lastly, Osvi pimpin' in Serb couture
Blame the Gucci on Kuzi.