Oct 23, 2004 14:09
On most albums, the best songs are at the beginning. Billy said that his poetry book is not exempt from that rule, lol. So, here is his second poem; the first one was 3 pages...too long to type out!
half-light, half-life
My senses open to this time and place
Stutter steps and craning necks and we all fall about the place
This is where we came to hold hands
To wait on promises made good
By tradition and sorrows
My voice came, and the plane came
And they opened up their bays to the blue sky crying for some rain
And rain they did
And took my place
And made a little check mark next to my heart
To remember this place for some other day
To live in half-life is exactly as it sounds
Half-taste, half-pain, half-dead
But wide awake
In half-light
I figure now I've lived just 18 years
As the other half of me, in mothballs and vanilla crème
Patiently hold out for a little more than fallen bells tumbling
Her crosses bent like me
As we wave, the family and I, to what was
What was lives in the shadows
But it is the shadow of God's grace
My shadows all man-made gray and smoky turns
Come along to this place where we stood
Proud and happy and so, understood
Thus faith will follow faith
And love should follow love
so there ya go, for your reviewing pleasure ;)
i like this one a little more.
also fyi:
This book is dedicated to my mother
Martha Louise Maes Corgan Lutz
there's a very short, simple poem about her, i'll post it